There's also
Near Battambang. The caves have a skylight and victims were either killed, usually with a knife or blow to the head, and thrown in, or thrown in alive.
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There's also
Near Battambang. The caves have a skylight and victims were either killed, usually with a knife or blow to the head, and thrown in, or thrown in alive.
I’ve been in there. There’s still stains all over the walls and floors
Same and went to the killing field outside the city later on. The driver cried when talking about the family members he lost. Most harrowing day of my life, totally redefined the lower limit of "how badly things can go wrong".
Number of inmates: 18,145 prisoners, probably more
Killed: 18,133
Every statistic about the Cambodian Genocide is staggering.
Holy shit - that’s horrific. Obligatory fuck Henry Kissinger. Rest in piss.