Keepassxc Password generator.
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"One of the characters of your chosen password was used in the same position 12 password-changes ago, but I won't tell you which"
If your password requirements make me not use a password generated by my password manager, you should rethink your requirements.
One that I loved was that you couldn't set any from a list of "common passwords"... You couldn't include anything from that list in any password you used. So if the list included the word "green" then "3875429$##&!32++_@greenbean2284&$@" would be rejected.
What's on the list? (Shrugs)
Good luck!
"Sorry, this password is too long"
Literally gotten this error before. So annoying. It was like 18 characters.
I had one site limit my password to 8 characters long
That could either mean they want to limit DDOS traffic caused by absurd long passwords, but unlikely.
Or they store your passwords in plain text instead of a proper hash value in their way to small fields in database.
A more absurd possibility would be if they limit characters because they send the form by GET instead of POST and everybody could see your password in the URL (e.g. in all logs).
Security nightmare in any case.
I'm sorry, but passwords must be unique across the entire platform. The one you entered matches [email protected]. Please try again.
Change your password every three months
It's the password game, isn't it. Edit: Yup, its the password game.
That was fun, thanks for sharing.
at what point do password requirements start making password easier to crack?
They invariably do. They always constrain the list of things that a fully random generator could possibly make. They never add to that list.
Even rules like "can't use the same character twice in a row" constrain the list at least a little. That one makes it harder for dumb people to do dumb things, but also makes it harder for smart people to do smart things.
They already do. If I know a number is required, I don't have to try any passwords that don't have a number.