For people who aren’t familiar, Tacoma has a ridiculous amount illegal fireworks going off for like a month before and after 4th of July. Story definitely fits.
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Do people from outside of WA, USA even know where Tacoma is?
I know there's a truck model with the name (which is really funny to me given the sensory reputation Tacoma has) but I don't know if most people even know it's named after a city/mountain.
Moat people in the US couldn't identify Tacoma, or either of the Washingtons, on a map.
They probably just don't like using maps as they tend to get wet and soggy
Most people outside the USA don’t even know where WA is because we don’t memorise your states abbreviations.
I never know where we're talking about half the time.
True, and that is extra confusing because "Washington" is also used by the press to talk about a city on the other side of the country from the state.
Calls were made to local hospitals, Muse added. But they didn’t report anyone being treated over the Fourth of July holiday for any sort of dismembering injury.
I think this is still a mystery, and what is he going to do with it?
The guy that lost the finger probably didn't have health insurance, so he practiced traditional American medicine & rubbed some dirt on it.