thank mr skeltal
Antique Memes Roadshow
Giving you the backstory and appraisals of vintage memes!
Submissions should be vintage memes or commentary about vintage memes. Commenters are advised to appraise the internet value and provenance meme antiquities.
- Posts should be old memes or about old memes.
- Don’t be a jerk. Be excellent to each other.
- Keep it safe for work.
- Follow global .world instance rules outlined here
thanks mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thanks mr skeltal
Thank Mr skeltal
Thank Mr. Skeltal!
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
Thank you etenarl mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thank Mr skeital
gracias, señor skeleto
thank mr skeltal
Thank Mr Skeletal
Thank mr skeltal
Thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thank Mr skeletal
thank mr sketal
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
Danke, Herr Skellet
thank mr skeltal
Thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
Mr. Skeletal use some better font and background combos
Thank mr skeltal
'thank mr skeltal' on this picture
I thank you, sir skellington.
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeletal
thank mr skeletal
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal doot
thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
Thank mr skeltal
thank mr skeltal
Fuck you Mr skeletal, get your scrawny hands off my osteoporosis
thank mr skeltal
'thank mr skeltal' on this picture