World News
They cry and complain and pull others down but won't ever improve themselves.
"Hey, that's not fair! They're using an OP economic system. I'm Top-tier 'Barbarism' specced and I get stomped on every time. We demand that you NERF China!"
socialism imba plz nerf
Any other Americans kind of tired of like How pathetic we've become? It's like We've given up on winning. So we're just gonna take the ball home "No, you can't play. We know we will lose and we're not gonna try to get better." We'll just stop playing the game. We won last season so we don't need to play in season two. It's pathetic, it's lame. It's Disheartening, you know at the very least during the Cold War we competed. You know? The capitalists put their all into it. Oh, we're gonna go to the moon! You want to go to Venus We'll go to the moon. We'll do something to compete with you. To show you that we have some gumption. We don't even have that anymore. And that's just sad. What de-industralizing does to a mf. Century of embrassment for the US.
We played and lost already, stuff like this is demanding a recount after a blowout
The point of becoming the global hegemon is much like that of establishing a monopoly, it is never having to compete again. That is after all the ultimate goal of every capitalist. It is only logical that once a capitalist achieves a monopoly they will use all means at their disposal offered to them by their position of dominance to prevent any new competition that could pose a threat to their position from arising. This isn't pathetic and any rational actor in their position would do the same.
The point as we Marxists always say is not that the individuals in positions of power in capitalism are morally deficient (i mean they are, but that's not the point...and whether that's because being in their position made them that way or because you only get to that position by being morally deficient is a bit of a chicken-and-egg question), it's that the entire system is built in such a way as to incentivize and produce these sorts of behaviors.
As such the solution isn't to simply switch out the leaders for less "pathetic" ones, it's to topple the entire system of capitalist imperialism altogether.
I fully agree
State power
It may be too late to stop the growth of China, but let's learn our lesson and make sure it never happens again.
We cannot stand idly by and allow Africa, South America to think it's ok to become not-poor just because they saw China do it.