Max Payne. The original game was just amazing and the story was incredible.
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Ultima Online. It was my first MMO. I could own a friggin house that other people could visit! I've been chasing that high for 20+ years now.
Ahhhh UO. Sitting on my llama in my prized neon sandles in front of the bank. Buying a white wyrm from someone and having it rampage because I couldn't control it. Riding around in a boat with a polar bear trying to level up animal handling or whatever because you stopped getting xp if you were stationary too long... Good times lol. I used to have a whole bag of runes to glitch spots in the game 😎
Earthbound. It’s been my favorite game since I first rented it from blockbuster
I’m gonna break the rules and name more than one.
Super Metroid
Link to the Past I beat it with my mom as a kid. I’d love to go back and just be a kid who loves his mom playing that game again.
Ocarina of Time My mom and I snuck and opened the Christmas present every evening after my dad went to bed. We were at the forest temple when I actually opened it for Christmas and pretended to be surprised.
Wind Waker I was so disappointed over the cartoon graphics I almost didn’t play it. Once the game won me over I fell in love with everything about it.
Twilight Princess My first Zelda as an adult living on my own. I bought it on GameCube and played it with my ex. We had no cable, no internet, no phone. It was the only entertainment we had (video games) and it was an experience that made us closer.
Symphony of the Night I just fucking love that game.
World of Warcraft I want to go back and play with my son. We did arenas and we were an unstoppable team. Some of the best nights of my life were spent side by side playing WotLK and Cata.
I could go on but someone is standing here bugging me now. Take care folks.
Probably Planescape: Torment
Final Fantasy 7 or 9, Earthbound, Secret of Mana, Phantasy Star Online
It's a fantastic exploration game if you go in blind and I wish I could forget it all and explore it all again.
I'm shocked that this isn't everyone's answer tbh lol
Those are the people that haven't played it yet.
What's sad is that I know I will forget the lore and the journey on how I figured out how I got to the end. But I don't think I'll forget the specifics for the ending.
Yeah, it really was amazing to play blind. We especially enjoyed the DLC... when we first realised what it was all about, it nearly blew our minds!
Yeah, I've never wtf'd so hard in a game as when I entered the thing and left the other thing in the DLC.
That game was so well done and thought through.
Final Fantasy VII
I went straight on from super Nintendo to this. You can imagine he level of amazement I got.
Earthbound. Even on my subsequent yearly-ish playthroughs, it's so easy to get immersed into the beautiful quirkiness of the world.
Came here to say this one. It's been ~30 years and there still isn't another game that quite hits in the same way. The perfect combination of jrpg, weirdness, emotion, humor, horror/dread, and lightheartedness. Earthbound has it all.
I'm reading the book about Satoru Iwata and in it he talks about Earthbound and says (hardcore paraphrasing) that Earthbound on the surface has a lot of regular RPG conventions, but through a combination of its non gameplay aspects it becomes something incredibly unique that even today has very few comparisons.
Half life or Half life 2.
I find Half-Life and Portal are some of the best games ever made regarding world building, story telling and general addictiveness.
I keep coming back because I've never found any other game like those.