This is pretty significant considering photosynthesis from most plants will degrade and even stop at higher temperatures. We have known about it but other plants using a different type of photosynthesis will still be able to do it. This however sounds like it would effect all plants regardless. Granted maybe I sound to light but you know. Fucked a bit harder.
I gave a dissertation on this theory to my colleague's regarding microplastics pre-COVID. While not my area of expertise, they asked why I wouldn't want to have kids, so I gave a PowerPoint presentation lol.
I actually consider myself very lucky. You see if I had not spent 5 years graduating with a second major and had not wasted a year in a PhD program and a few years in my initial major which did not work out. If I had not done that and instead grabbed a major that paid or just some certs and started working. Well then I might have been situated such that when I got married we might have went for kids. Luckily I kicked myself down the road into the new millenium where I could now see it was not a good idea.
The Holocene Extinction, better known as The Big Six by professionals in that field. May also be annotated as The Plastic Apocalypse.
Don't even get a fucking cool apocalypse smdh
That’s fascinating, we’re creating a modern dust bowl