well that was a waste of frickin time. i spent this evening making a lovely vertical video and it can't be a youtube short cos it's over 3 minutes. same limit on instagram/facebook reels.
i put it up unlisted for the curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91MXv2MthMk
i mean it misunderstands the assignment, but hopefully it amuses
at least I can avoid for a bit longer having to contemplate lines like
ffmpeg -i out-sq1.mp4 -lavfi "[0:v]scale=1920/1080*iw:1920/1080*ih,boxblur=luma_radius=min(h\,w)/40:luma_power=3:chroma_radius=min(cw\,ch)/40:chroma_power=1[bg];[bg][0:v]overlay=(W-w)/2:(H-h)/2,setsar=1,crop=w=iw*1080/1920" -crf 10 -x264-params keyint=10:scenecut=0 out-vert1.mp4
^-- statements dreamt up by the utterly Deranged
tiktok's limit is 10 minutes but the edit has to be completely different (no title cards or branding) and not clear i can say the website url in the video. also UK monetisation kicks in at 10k followers and 100k views in the past 30 days. i am unconvinced as yet.