Be glad you can't, and that you don't have the super power of moving in your sleep to a large degree.
I can punch full speed in my dreams, and then hit things in the waking world. Luckily, I've also got some kind of "radar" that excludes people that sleep with me on a regular basis, and animals that do the same. I've never punched a dog or cat, nor my chicken when we fall asleep together for a nap.
Never punched a partner unless they tried to grab me when that's going on.
It's not a fun thing. I also don't talk about it much outside of support groups because some ninny usually has to offer advice like I never thought to look into ways of fixing it. Don't be that ninny, if you're thinking of it.
I have broken some shit over the years, including wall paneling, a headboard, multiple lamps, a window, plus stuff that falls off of headboards and shelves close enough to get shaken by the impact.
Ain't PTSD fun?