And it never got cool super-computer action like N64 from 2015 Fantastic Four
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In my opinion, retro games/consoles are a lot like vintage cars. It doesn't matter how much time has passed because it's not about their age, it's about the era they came from.
In the case of vintage cars, it's any car manufactured prior to 1930. In the case of retro game consoles I'd say it's anything prior to 1994.
Edit: typo. 1995 should have been 1994. The launch year of the PS1 and the founding year of the ESRB.
That's a surprisingly narrow definition.
So do you look at something like a Studebaker Commander Coupe and go "well obviously that's modern"?
This hurts me. I have vivid memories of playing Halo 3 and Hexic back when I was in middle school.
This was how I felt when the post about the PS2 turning 25 came by a few days ago. What the fuck happened.
Why is everything worse now lol
It was the Gamecube for me. I was like, "How the hell can a recent game like Metroid Prime be 'retro'?" and then I realized if the game was a person It'd be old enough to drink... and then it got a remaster right after that realization.
About as old as NES on the Wii
I would say "no" because the 360 did have the capability of 720p and 1080p. There isn't much you have to do to get it working with a modern television.
That's not the case with a TRULY retro console, either in terms of resolution or connectivity.
Another way to differentiate would be things like rendering technology. While raytracing is starting to be partially utilized a little bit, I'd hardly say it's taken over yet, so there's not much technological difference between a 360 and a PS5. Mostly boils down to more cores and faster with some minor extra features. Far more difference between even the SNES and the N64 than between the PS1 and the PS5 imo.
You could also use Internet access as a determinant, but then even snes and Sega Genesis wouldn't be retro (at least in Japan).
Could just define retros as anything that fits at least one or 2 of those 4 characteristics of retro video game consoles, but the xbox360 is pretty much modern by all of them.
That's not how "retro" works. If a song came out today, as opposed to any number of Green Day songs, which came out in the 90s, and 2000s, are considered retro.
You don't have to do anything different with todays songs vs Green Day songs. You can play them just the same way.
Yet one is clearly retro.
Music and games aren't quite the same deal. If you need specialized equipment to play a game, it's retro.
I never realized it's legit a mini transmitter to your TV's Antennae @.@.
Like wireless HDMI.
But now we stuck with DRM for failed ATSC 3.0 release :/
Imagine what could have been.
That's just the cord that came with the system, nothing very special about it. And it's still perfectly compatible with modern TVs
Disagree, but that standard every proprietary console except xbox and ps are retro.
It's simply few generations older. If teenagers today weren't born, It's retro.
Naturally I'm biased because the stuff I grew up on is officially "Vintage" at this point. ;)
What about handhelds?
Handhelds are really their own deal. I'd argue vintage is anything up through the OG Gameboy.
Retro would be anything other than that, with the possible excrptions of the Nokia NGage and Neo Geo Pocket (B&W) which would also be vintage.
I’m not sure I’m following this definition, everything after the game boy is retro? Or is it only the game boy and older?
This shit hurts me every time. I remember playing xbox360 in high school with my friends. I’m getting old.
We were playing the Nintendo 64 and original Xbox when I was in high school.
Gamestop needs to go back to when their cases looked like this
I miss those styles, so much stuff has a corporate sanitized look and feel these days