The quote could have been, "Spielberg would want to do it, and no."
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I really don't like this idea. The series has always been "pseudo mature", by which I mean it portrays itself as being for older audiences, but doesn't have any real meat on them bones. It's all fluff and aesthetics around good gameplay.
They should just stick to the games imo
What? Like maybe the open world ones were light on story, but there's plenty of lore in the Zelda universe to do all sorts of interesting things.
The games just might not be cinematic enough in their telling but a proper screenplay can tell the story better.
I was assuming it would be animated, but I lost hope when they said it would be live action.
I'm not sure what the point of an animated version would be... it would be like watching someone else play the game.
Don't think any move would be a good idea, Link doesn't really have a defined character because in the game you're Link. In any movie they'll need to define his character and it'll probably not match most people's expectations because everyone imagines Link's character to be different.
Well excuse me, Mr. poster, but he does have defined personality. It was (poorly) defined every Friday on the Super Mario Super Show.
Obviously said in the “well excuuuuuuuse me princess …”
I just hope that when "Kakariko" is inevitably said in the movie, it gets pronounced right
Is this bait? Like "gif" vs "jif", or is there really a non obvioua way to pronounce it?
In my head I always think ka-ka-REE-ko, but your comment makes me think it's ka-KA-ri-ko?
It could go either way. Personally I think the "REE" is the correct pronunciation based on my (non expert) Japanese lessons many years ago.
Both of your pronunciations read the same in my head.