To be human is to be part of a community. A community that exists to support its members. You are one who needs that support, and if not supported then the community does not fulfill its function, thus has no right to exist. Our support for you proves we have a right to exist, and so your existence is essential to us. We need you. Can you remain with us so that we can remain also?
I was there. It's really hard seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I didn't think my suicidal ideation would have ever ended. I was just apart of me.
When I finally did therapy and some antidepressants it helped pull me out. My therapist sent me this video and it helped frame what I was going through:
You're at the beginning of enlightenment. To want nothing, to need nothing is freedom to have everything. Your life ain't gonna end now, so that's a waste of time to think about. But now that you let go of expectations, you're free to experience the world for what it is .
Or are you still holding on to expectations? It feels like you're not free to experience anything good since you're only focusing on the negative. And focusing on labeling things as positive and negative.
The world has nothing to offer you. The only thing you can do is to work on yourself.