I don't use Brave but did you take this screenshot or find it somewhere? I can't find this "tag line" when searching for Brave in the Playstore.
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Guess you're outside the EU or something? Cause it looks different over here, Firefox isn't mentioned here. Also they're at 4.9 instead of 4.7 for some reason. Either way, fuck brave.
when you search firefox on the play store, there's a brave ad
True. It's also there when you look for chrome and other browsers. (Except Vivaldi and opera which have also bought ad space) That's how buying ads works. Fucked up, but nothing new, unfortunately.
"Fire the Fox" would have been a better slogan
I ditched this crap years ago. Fuck this Trojan horse.
"Was getting tired Brave, and noticed they mentioned Firefox in their ads. Was curious what that was and upon launching Firefox, immediately I felt something, my disappointment is no longer immeasurable, and my day is no longer ruined!"
brave = 0/5 🤮
Firefox = 6/5 😎
Brave? The browser that hides ads and substitutes their own? The one that keeps you private from Google AdSense so they can sell your data themselves? The one that keeps their Chromium build lean, so that you don’t notice the crypto miner running along side of it?
The fucking PayPal Honey of browsers? When the fuck did they ever look good? They’re like the “Banzai Buddy” of the HTML5 era
They managed to piss off Tom Scott.
A thing I had not previously considered was possible.
Wait what? Imma need to see that
Their "Tip Me" system was opt-out.
In other words, they'd slap a "give this person money" button on other people's websites, and then collect the money themselves, and even if they did send along every last cent to the actual person, that's pretty well fucked.
Personally I never even considered installing it because of its stupid name.