Those were the best episodes in the show. The ending sucked though.
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I think the Last of Us demonstrates the difference between writing a story around the character vs the sort of crap in other shows where inclusivity is more like a box ticking exercise and a casting quota.
I loved that episode and I love Offermans pov about it!! Do I like this episode as part of Last of Us? No, I was expecting something different from this series. More action and adventure, less emotional trauma and humanity.
I think the show is trying too hard to lean into the emotional side of the apocalyptic scenario, and I think the TV scene is already saturated with kind of stuff. I wanted something which would be more focused on the main characters, their experience, and the action and adventure as captured in the game.
Should there be more stories about gay love in different scenarios? Yes. Is it okay that this story showed up under this context? Definitely, overall it’s a great story and I am better off for having experienced it. Do I like it as part of Last of Us? No, my expectations were different. I would say the same if the love story was between a heterosexual couple.
Edit: that said, given the bias and discrimination against LGBTQ+ folk, I am not surprised that writers (who are often overwhelmingly empathetic) choose to add such stories in their work
Do I like this episode as part of Last of Us? No, I was expecting something different from this series. More action and adventure, less emotional trauma and humanity.
Hmm, for me that's a strange take from someone who played the games. The heart of the Last of Us always was about tragedy and how humanity handles such a catastrophe. Action and adventure in the games was mostly there to not loose interest as a gamer between the story. That's just how these two different medium work. Obviously a live action series can't work on the same formula to keep it's audience engaged. That's one reason why there wasn't that much zombie action since too much of it will get old pretty quickly and the writers didn't wrote a brainless zombie action adventure but a human drama tale.
It was my favorite episode. It was a beautiful story.
I agree with the sentiment of the article, but the author can jump off a bridge for perpetuating the "SLAMS" bullshit.
What’s SLAMS?
Simultaneous Localization And Mapping
An overused word that the authors of clickbait use to make a petty complaint sound like something with actual teeth.
Oooh lol I thought it was an abbreviation I didn’t know. I just knocked on my head and said, “hello? Is this thing on?” in a comical way so I should be fine now.
This is decade's old practice. Remember headline space used to actual have to fit on real papsr.
I mean, was it written by a real person?
Stop acknowledging it, Nick. Embody Ron Swanson at Home Depot for just a moment. Some internet freak is complaining about the Frank/Bill episode of TLOU? Is breathing life into their argument by acknowledging it above or below Ron Swanson's pay grade? Does he in fact "know more than you"?
Nah. Disagree. I'm gay, and as much as I wish we didn't, we need people to stand up there and say, no, fuck you. This is a love story. They just love each other.
As much as I agree with your sentiment, anti-gay bigotry is nothing new, and will never go away. Let bigots scream themselves red in the face.
I didn't even finish the first season but this was the only episode I liked. It's not the love story that I liked about it though.
And the best single episode love story ever.
I didn't watch the whole season, but Jesus, THAT episode was awesome. I nearly cry at the end. I'm a big Nick fan, and he was perfect for the role.