"Elon Musk the first"?
A community to post acts of antifascism and other left-wing activism. Please message a mod if you would like something posted and we can tag you in the post as well.
Correction: "Parade moved indoors due to fascist oligarchs worried about being shot in the head"
Maybe it was too cold outside for Musk to have his baby in the Baby-Bjorn bullet catcher vest.
There's no denying, a fist in the air looks always better than a roman salute
Also you are paying homage to Italian traditions
He just straight up does 2 Nazi salutes in row. First one towards the crowd and then another one towards the flag/Trump. I didn't watch the speech but apparently, he followed it up with "the future has been secured".
It's kinda tragic that I'm only mildy surprised he went that mask off.
Edit: Found a video with the quote: "It is thanks to you that the future of civilisation is assured"
Sounds a lot like the 14 words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
There is no such thing as a roman salute, that's a fascist salute.
You should see the nazis on Wikipedia desperately trying to edit the entry for Roman Salute in an attempt to remove the word fascist.
Isn't the word "Fascism" derived from a Roman symbol of power?
Rome and Fascism aren't exactly from separate peninsulas
It's derived from the Fasces, which is a bundle of sticks used as a symbol of office by civil rulers in Rome, which the fascists then "stole" as a symbol and a representation of "many together strong, one alone weak". If you stick an axe in the bundle it becomes a military (or armed) symbol of power. This depiction is even used as a symbol in the Swedish police coat of arms
The root word are still used in some areas, such as https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascine
Right. But that train of thought is too complex for them, they don't even know they're alone on a single speeding caboose.
It's like when a kid flips off their teacher but uses their ring finger. They'll try to claim innocence because they didn't actually use their middle finger.
Let's not kid ourselves.
It's a Hitler salute with just enough variation thrown in for "plausible" deniability.
You can see the strained look on his face, concentrating to get it just right. Probably practiced in front of a mirror.
Eh, I think he's just very awkward when he moves. He's been like that forever. He would've done it 'properly' if he was physically capable.
Hitler would've probably had him euthanized.
Dude, why did someone write gullible on your ceiling?
I think you didn't read their entire comment.
someone should help him reproduce Hitler's last salute
I agree I'm sure we have plenty of people that help him and show him how