Get in touch with me, I am highly experienced in community moderation, I bet we can come to an agreement
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I’ve modded on Reddit, interested in the opportunity to mod here.
How can I become one?
Lemmy should create a crypto currency that users and mods earn for engagement/ participation so people are monetized not by corporate advertising money,
It was a big slap to the face when reddit went public but still kept mods as unpaid slave labor.
Hey, I'm in Taiwan and can work some of the night shifts. I'm fairly active and don't mind helping out.
Taiwan number 1
No tankie here!
Admins: Hire this person
Army of neck beards just shot out of their couch to submit their mod resume
Best of luck in finding the right people to help keep things running smoothly.
kas sa oskad Eesti keelt? (can you speak estonian?)
Long live the great
I appreciate the effort of running this place - it's working well from my perspective - and hope you find the colleagues you need. :)
Myself, I can't volunteer - I already moderate a few communities elsewhere, my time is limited, and I'm politically too partial. I also cannot say that I fully agree with local federation policy.
What don't u like about federation policy?
As you said in one of the comments, 5 hours a week would put me on the list.. But I'm not sure what the tasks are about and whether I can do them at all since Lemmy has been mobile only for me.. I wouldn't mind to help out, but I'm not sure if I'm actually up for the job
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How much time do you usually spend per day as an admin? I'm asking because I'm wondering what the commitment looks like and if it works with a schedule where I'm often on the road.
At a minimum I’d request 5 hours a week cumulatively, with more of course being beneficial.
Tasks like reviewing reports and applications only take a few minutes and can be done on a mobile device- I personally approve most applications on my phone.
Can I become the admin and then become the ultimate godmod by removing all the other mods?
Good luck on your search!