Labour risks ‘powder keg’ clash with environmentalists as it puts growth before going green
Note: Our temporary logo is from The Wildlife Trusts. We are not officially associated with them.
Our winter banner is a shot of Shotley marshes, Suffolk by GreyShuck.
This is it. Those running government are either puppets for, or fully fledged members of, the establishment - the billionaires and multi-multi millionaires, and in our particular hell-hole, the royals and their gentry, who they actually exist to serve, not us. Anyone who makes it up the ranks who isn't, is attacked with everything they have to ensure the status quo isn't threatened.
It's all theatre meticulously played out all to serve one purpose - to keep our rulers in power. And it isn't just here of course, it's the very nature of nation states, and capitalism ramps it up to a whole other level. of oppression and exploitation.
The only way out is to stop abiding by their rules and abolishing their systems so we can build something better from the bottom up.