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Viewed from hexbear this thread has 27 comments lol
Hexbear isn't federated with many communities though is it?
Yes and no. They are federated with many communities, but the larger anti-Marxist instances like are not federated. That's by design, Hexbear wishes to protect their marginalized members such as their trans, queer, gender-nonconforming, and EM/POC communities.
"I saw an image of a pig what shat on its own balls :("
What is a "redfash?" Is that your word for Marxists? What do you mean by "shock images," hexbear emotes?
That's how I'd characterize the insanely toxic comments stanning dictators and defending genocides that I saw regularly before my instance had enough
Mind explaining what you mean by "stanning dictators" or "defending genocides?" Those are heavy allegations and that needs heavy proof.
None of it is visible to me anymore, but I'd welcome you to view the admin defederation announcements, many of which included rationale and examples of that content.
So, nothing? Are you just a right-winger anti-Marxist that saw a picture of a pig with poop on its balls and cried for defederation? What was that about free speech, again?
I signed up for tech and finance news, memes and furry content, so I'm happier to mainly see just those things.
My instance's choice to defederate has no bearing whatsoever on Hexbear users' free speech rights.
Here's an admin's long and well-reasoned explanation:
Can't help but notice zero images or links. No evidence, all sabre-rattling.
So yea, just stock-standard right-wing anti-Marxism.
Yeah, standard anti-Marxist right-winger, that's why I chose the "LGBT+ friendly, furry general purpose Lemmy instance". Maybe touch grass?
Not talking about the instance you chose, nor the reasons, just your baseless attacking of Marxists.
I've never even mentioned Marxists or Marxism, seriously go outside
Hexbear was defederated for being Marxists, and you supported that and called them "dictator stans" and "genocide defenders." You're a right-wing anticommunist.
They defederated with .ca and .world because of all the racism, transphobia and general right wing culture in those instances and that's basically all of the parent comments in here
Idk about .ca but .world defederated preemptively from .hexbear because their admins are selfaware wolves who knew hex would point out their rightwigness.
Must be nice not having to be exposed to 440 …other comments.