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That's okay mods, you can absolutely hide all the ample evidence of suffering under communism.
It doesn't change the truth of the history or the words written in my great grandfather's journals, highlighting the horrors that came with living in communist Russia.
Edit; I hope it hurts you everyday that the entire world can see right through your bullshit. Communism has as much a chance at working as you do getting paid for modding here 🤷
Haha,mods removed my comment about my grandparents escaping communism.
Hypocrite much, mod? Gonna ban me from here now because you can't handle the truth?
I never got to meet my great aunt because standing survive things like the Holodomor.
If you say so. Let’s see your great grandfather’s journal entries about the horrors of communism.
I don’t know why you think that we think that we’d get paid, or that we’re here to make a profit on a free site with no ads. What a weird, failed analogy.
Go dig him up and you can talk to him.
I'm not then one tongue this in.My family,yet people like you want to call me a liar.
OK, Pol Pot.