Lawmaker takes action after Ohio Supreme Court rules 'boneless' chicken wings can have bones • Ohio Capital Journal
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While I agree that the ruling is pretty ridiculous, the guy sounds like a human vacuum and caused his own problems:
How the fuck do you not notice that you're eating a nearly 1.5" (38mm) bone?! 1.5" is literally the length of the ~~tong~~ tine on a metal fork (I had laying around after typing up the above and measured it just for the hell of it haha) or probably a sewing needle.
If there's even the tiniest bit of gristle or something in my meat I immediately spit it out, dude straight up swallowed a freaking chicken bone.
edit: apparently the human vacuums got offended by this. Put another way that's like putting half a toothpick in your meat and then not noticing it in your mouth
I think the word is tine not tong.
You are correct, that was probably autocorrect's fault.