Digital Art
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So i looked in the blend file, and it seems i changed the texture map to this one at some point:
That one was better, and i also recall manually aligning the color map from the other Nasa site i linked before, just used photoshop offset the color map horizontally, sorry i was learning alot and didnt yet have a proper folder structure going, its also likely i made othe changes to the textures but i was moving fast and eager to get back to blender, i could likely send you the blend file along with those texures though, if you let me know an easy way to share it.
Using a different height texture explains the different results. Odd, that the Arizona State University has more bumps than NASA at the same 64ppd resolution. Do you think they added noise to the NASA data? When I add noise to the height map in Blender, I can make it look like this.