VS Code

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founded 2 years ago
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I made this because I started using Codium but wanted to use an extension that didn't have an OpenVSX equivalent and found out MS removed the VSIX download buttons on the marketplace site.

This should also work for Code-OSS and the MS VS Code. You can also just use it to only download the VSIX files so you can keep them locally for future use or take them to another computer that does not have internet connection for whatever reason to install there.

It will also check for dependencies and download them if you don't already have them installed.

At the moment it only downloads the latest versions of an extension.

Sharing because I imagine I'm not the only one with this issue.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

found this in an extension description today:

Why not use the Dev Containers from VS Code? Because Microsoft Devcontainer is a proprietary extension incompatible with VS Codium.

Why it is not on VS Code Marketplace? Because Microsoft is a VS Code gatekeeper and won't allow anyone to publish an extension if it uses Proposed API. Except Microsoft and its "partners", of course.

Meanwhile, these API are the only way to implement an extension like Open Remote SSH or Devcontainers.

Microsoft promises to allow everyone to use these API and publish extensions based on them in the future, once these API are "stable". But it's been many years since Microsoft first published an extension backed by a proposed API. It has also published many other extensions supported by the same API. However, the API is "unstable" and doesn't seem to be going to stabilise anytime soon.


If this issue gets 20 upvotes, the bot says it'll get added to the backlog to get fixed. Just posting it here to help it get some traction. We have ~40 days before it's simply closed.

Last month I posted this issue to the VSCode github about a bug where new instances of VSCode launched from a windows terminal fail to inherit the environment if VSCode is already running. I have to use Windows where I work and I often need different environments when working on different projects so I'd really like this issue to get fixed.

VS Code Release 1.94 (code.visualstudio.com)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  • Find in Explorer - Quickly find files in the Explorer view with the improved Find control.
  • Source Control Graph - More filtering options and interactivity in the Source Control Graph.
  • Python test coverage - Run Python tests with coverage and get rich results in the editor.
  • ESM - Faster VS Code startup thanks to the migration to ESM.
  • Account preference - Specify which account to use for an extension.
  • Copilot in Native REPL - Get code completions and Inline Chat in the Native REPL.
  • Improved chat context - Drag & drop files or use IntelliSense for more relevant chat context.
  • Test environment setup - Get help with setting up a test framework for your workspace.
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Do you know the .vscode/tasks.json file? You can add it to your project, and @vscode will run your configured commands automatically when you open the project ✨

I use this for the Inertia Table so it starts the web server and Vite without me having to open terminals for them 👌

#Laravel #PHP #JS #coding

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  • Default browser - Configure which browser to use for opening links in VS Code.
  • Revert PRs - Easily create a revert PR for a merged PR.
  • Extension updates - More easily configure auto updating of extensions.
  • Override profiles - Override an existing profile with the Profiles Editor.
  • Paste files in CSS - Quickly add CSS file references with paste or drag and drop.
  • Move Panel to top - Position the Panel section at the top of the workbench.
  • Copilot uses GPT-4o - GitHub Copilot Chat upgraded to OpenAI's GPT-4o.

Upvote the issue on Github if you want to see this feature added into VSCode.


Here is how you can add a simple action to open a folder in VSCodium within Nemo file manager.

  1. Create a new file in ~/.local/share/nemo/actions/ and name the file vscodium.nemo_action
  2. Open the file in a text editor
  3. Copy the code below into the file
[Nemo Action]
Name=Open in VSCodium
Comment=Open VSCodium in the selected folder
Exec=codium %F
  1. Save the changes made to the file
  2. Now when you right click inside a folder in Nemo, it will show an option "Open in VSCodium" and when you click this option, it will launch VSCodium using the currently directory as the workspace.

This can be modified to work with Visual Studio Code (Which is closed source unlike VSCodium) by editing codium %F to code %F

Sleep Sort (www.aprogrammerlife.com)
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Time complexity isn't even associated to the size of the list. Amazing!

  • Preview: Incoming/Outgoing changes graph - Visualize incoming and outgoing changes in the Source Control view.
  • Python environments - Enhanced environment discovery with python-environment-tools.
  • Smart Send in native REPL - Smoothly run code chunks in the native REPL.
  • GitHub Copilot extensibility - Chat and Language Model APIs available in VS Code Stable.
  • Preview: Profiles Editor - Manage your profiles in a single place.
  • Custom tab labels - More variable options and support for multiple extensions.
  • TypeScript 5.5 - Syntax checking for regular expressions and other language features.
  • JavaScript Debugger - Inspect shadowed variables while debugging JavaScript.
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