Vegan Home Cooks

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Come join the Vegan Home Cooks!

Participation is really easy, just take a picture of what you cooked today and post it, no recipes needed.

This is a public forum for a discord server of friends who are all vegans and cook at home for their families.

We are here to share some inspiration, to see what others are doing and to stay engaged in something that is both our hobby and a required task.

This forum is not a "food porn" community, a recipe book or a place to teach you how to cook. It is a place for people who already cook to meet other people like themselves and provide on topic support and conversation as much as long distance friends on the internet can do. We are doing show and tell about what we made and we don't care about its instagram worthiness.

Veganism isn’t a diet but I have to eat every day. This is for the vegan home cooks. Anything non vegan will be deleted.


1. Be Vegan.

If it is not vegan it doesn’t belong here… or anywhere.

2. Post home cooking.

No restaurant or fast food. This is what every other vegan space is about and we don’t want to promote any large or small business tyrants.

3. Join the Discord

We’re an active community of vegan home cooks that like to talk about what we are cooking today.

4. Do not make any rude comments or digs at anyone’s food, cooking style, specific diet, restrictions or technique.

While we are all cooks, we all have different requirements and we’re not asking for help, we are doing show and tell.

5. Do not use trademarked brands

Use generic names. We’re cooking with tvp not whatever business brands it and we’re not trying to turn comrades into billboards. No plant-based vegan-pandering capitalist crap like Impossible, Beyond, Dairy-company owned “vegan” cheese.

6. Do not ask for a recipe without otherwise engaging the OP (No posts that are just “recipe?”)

We are not food bloggers. Sometimes we're excited to share and will tell you the recipes we used but this isn't required. Instead try doing your own research and tell us what you learned and we can talk about it.

7. Careful with making unasked for suggestions.

Sometimes we like to hear suggestions but you should be nice about it and know the person you are making suggestions to. We are in the discord and you can get to know us that way. If you are just a visitor from the fediverse, this isn’t the place for you to start telling other people what to do.

8. Adults Only.

While this isn't a community for adult material we expect everyone who participates to be an adult. If you have a gross and profane username you will be removed.

founded 1 year ago
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Endless Torment of the ‘Recipe?’ Guy

A rampant internet comment that just won’t die shows how recipes, and the people who develop them, are undervalued.

By Tejal Rao Sept. 13, 2022

Picture him, scrolling Instagram. He slows down for a flash-lit image of pasta on someone’s crowded, linen-draped dining table. For a sunlit reel of chickpeas and olive oil breaking down into a golden pulp. For a bubbling pot of oxtail.

He might not plan to cook these dishes — in fact, he probably doesn’t — but each post makes his thumbs tingle. Instinctively, impulsively, he begins to type:

recipe? recipe?! recipe??!

You could say that recipe guys represent a major area of growth for reply guys. And anyone can become a recipe guy: You just have to believe that every time you see an image of food, you’re also owed a recipe, then insist on it. Cooks and recipe developers who share their food on social media can ignore it, or at least try to, but the nagging chorus of “recipe?!” is present, and it’s reshaping social content in real time.

“Social media was this way to be spontaneous and low-key and casual, but at some point, when I shared parts of my personal life, people started to expect a professionally tested recipe, too,” said Nik Sharma, a Los Angeles cookbook writer and photographer (who also contributes to The New York Times).

Developing recipes is work, and it takes time. Mr. Sharma never intended to create them for home-cooked dishes he posted informally — say, a quick dinner of fried rice with ketchup he made after a busy day shooting cooking videos and writing his newsletter. He also didn’t want to come across as rude to commenters, or to let them down.

“The easiest thing was to go, OK, I’m just not going to post what I eat, unless I’m working on the recipe,” Mr. Sharma said.

He keeps his off-duty cooking private now, drawing a line between what’s personal and professional — a challenging exercise for food writers, since the two areas continuously overlap.

Is it work, for example, when you cook dinner for your parents? The recipe developer Pierce Abernathy started sharing the meals he made for himself and his family during the pandemic, when he moved back in with his parents. He produced practical cooking videos on Instagram, filled with visual reference points and raw cooking sounds, and included the whole recipe just below in the caption.

“The goal is to build an audience — the core of my business and how I make money is around engagement and numbers,” Mr. Abernathy said. “But I don’t want it to be a restrictive environment where I can’t be myself.” Like many social-first recipe developers, he plans to start publishing recipes on his own website soon, to monetize and own his content, and worries about how his audience will respond to that change. Will they have the resolve to leave the post, to go out and find the recipe?

Though he occasionally shares ideas and techniques without detailed recipes, like a clean-out-the-fridge salad he made recently before heading to the airport, and images entirely unrelated to food, Mr. Abernathy finds that most posts that don’t include recipes can be a source of tension.

“And when you do get those comments,” he said, “it feels a little demoralizing and dehumanizing.” On his show, “The One Recipe,” the food editor Jesse Sparks interviews guests about the recipes they make time and time again — the keepers. “Recipes can be seemingly so simple when they’re audience-facing,” he said, “and in some ways, it’s a success that people forget how much work is going on behind the scenes.” “But so many people get caught up in the immediate satisfaction of seeing a tangible product or good without grappling with how much time and resources and effort go into it.”

Mr. Sparks interviews cooks who work at publications, as part of big teams, as well as those who are solely responsible for all of the shopping, testing, styling, shooting, editing and web production. In each case, the development process may be a little different, but the labor involved is usually immense and out of view — or ignored.

“It all boils down to people needing to remember there’s a person on the other side of the screen who deserves space and support, time and rest,” Mr. Sparks said. Lucia Lee, a middle-school teacher in Brookline, Mass., posts photos of kimchi jjigae and seared mackerel to Instagram: neatly framed, overhead shots of simple, well-lit plates. She started her account as an archive of her home cooking, and celebrates the romantic possibilities of her favorite ingredients and techniques, often with loose, narrative recipes and notes on who grew the food, or whose original recipe served as inspiration.

Ms. Lee is often under pressure, in comments and direct messages, to offer more detail and more structured recipes, and her instinct is to jump in and be helpful. But posting is a creative outlet for her. “I respond sometimes, if people are polite — a ‘please’ and a ‘thank you’ really go a long way,” Ms. Lee said. “But this isn’t my job, I can’t just pump out recipes for you.” In many ways, “recipe?!” is a familiar online demand that has flourished on social media. Every few months, for years now, a small but vocal group on the internet agrees that the people who share recipes and the stories behind them should just get to the recipe.

They usually blame food bloggers for taking search engine optimization too far, or for plain old long-windedness and vanity. They demand that free recipes appear online without ads, introductions, process shots, context or stories. Without any trace of the people behind them. This unreasonable request has become a damaging cliché, a way of demonetizing the work and dismissing the writers — particularly women who write about cooking for their families.

An animated Maritsa Patrinos comic, published on BuzzFeed in 2018, illustrated the early mood: A cheerful young man scrolls through a post about a “delicious lasagna recipe,” and wastes away to a skeleton before he can reach it. In the years since, that comic has become darkly self-referential — it may as well be about the get-to-the-recipe conversation itself. It never ends. In the last few months, though, I’ve come to think of “recipe?!” on social media, and of all its brash, insulting little iterations, as the last possible stage of this conversation, a kind of de-evolution with nowhere left to go.

It’s a way of treating the people who share their cooking online entirely as products. But I think it’s also a way of becoming a bit less human. Of becoming more like compulsive web extensions, our only mission to scan, to want, to send the same command out into the void, over and over again, on our sad and infinite loops:

recipe? recipe?! recipe?!!


Topped with pickled red onion, lime, roasted peanuts for some acid and additional nuttiness. Recipe is definitely a keeper, but needs more spice next time!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Close-up picture of home-made ramen bowl

My absolute favourite dish. Extremely delicious miso ramen with a base made from kombu, dried shiitake mushrooms, red miso, and as a little secret ingredient a tiny bit of gochujang to give a spicy and umami 'oomph' to round things out.

It has spring onions, a lot of garlic, bit of ginger, red and yellow bell peppers, chili pepper, carrots, and tofu and mushrooms seasoned with soy sauce.


In Farsi that says "Chelo Ab-Nokhod and Gondi" and it is a play on a traditional dish called Ab-Gusht which translates to Water-Meat, Nokhod means chickpea. Chelo means rice.

Gondi are a traditional Persian-Jewish soup dumpling traditionally made with ground meat, chickpea flour, cardamom, and lots of pepper. I replaced the ground meat with TVP and they came out just how I remember them.

I added more soup to the bowls after taking the pictures.


Close-up picture of Fusilli pasta with vegetables and basil

Eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, and fresh basil and tomatoes.


I'm going to the store today so I chopped up all the vegetables I had left from last week that might go bad soon. There is broccoli, cabbage, carrots, sweet peppers, and roma tomatoes with some red pepper paste, italian herbs, salt, pepper, sage, and a little corn starch slurry to coat everything, basically a ditalinni primavera to eat for a few days.


Close-up picture of vegan greek gyros and french fries

The homemade pita bread is absolutely to die for. It's so so good and was easier to make than I was expecting. I got the recipe for it from here:

Tzatziki is also super good and pretty simple to make. You just need vegan yoghurt (preferably greek-style), grated cucumber, olive oil, minced garlic or garlic powder, dried dill, some lemon juice and salt and pepper to your taste. It's delicious, you should give it a go if you haven't!


I added spinach and peas. With store bought breads, because I'm rubbish at bread.


A bit late with these, we made em a couple days after St. David's day


blackberry jam was homemade too, from last year.


Title pick is mmori's tomato caprese salad with homemade vegan mozz

Come join us on discord!

We are not a "food porn" community, plating is nice but not required. Just take a pic of what you're eating and share. We're trying to show the world what real vegans eat. Sometimes that is slop! We're a small community of friends who love cooking and there is no expectation on professionalism. Join us and lets talk about what we're making today!

alphor made some bangin beans on toast

battletoads made some aamzing tvp balls and spaghet

A traditional VHC lentil slop dish by curtis

edon made Orange Tofu

Goose made dumpster bread mmmmm

Jerry coming in with some mac n cheez

the kwf made some potatoes chief obrien

Meesh made an amazing looking bread

mmori Made some pestiños, a traditional holiday food!

Rileyann made some awesome looking sausage patties

Soup posted some tasty looking beans and rice - my favorite :D

Train shared gnocci with vegetables


Close-up of tofu katsu curry


Close-up of chickpea, rice, and mushroom dish

Served with some pan-fried marinated tofu.

I took the recipe directly from Yeung Man Cooking:

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ramen noodles with kale, pickled ginger, furikake, fried onion, chili crisp, and baked tofu. Nice way to make instant noodles feel fancy!


Kung Pao with TVP

I used Made With Lau's chili oil and it added a lot to the dish:

Another tip is to use chinese black vinegar in the sauce. It's really good!


A picture of the seitan wellington sliced open

Method mostly based on Gaz Oakley's wellington, but with a few modifications and personal touches.


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