joined 2 years ago
- Default browser - Configure which browser to use for opening links in VS Code.
- Revert PRs - Easily create a revert PR for a merged PR.
- Extension updates - More easily configure auto updating of extensions.
- Override profiles - Override an existing profile with the Profiles Editor.
- Paste files in CSS - Quickly add CSS file references with paste or drag and drop.
- Move Panel to top - Position the Panel section at the top of the workbench.
- Copilot uses GPT-4o - GitHub Copilot Chat upgraded to OpenAI's GPT-4o.
- Preview: Incoming/Outgoing changes graph - Visualize incoming and outgoing changes in the Source Control view.
- Python environments - Enhanced environment discovery with python-environment-tools.
- Smart Send in native REPL - Smoothly run code chunks in the native REPL.
- GitHub Copilot extensibility - Chat and Language Model APIs available in VS Code Stable.
- Preview: Profiles Editor - Manage your profiles in a single place.
- Custom tab labels - More variable options and support for multiple extensions.
- TypeScript 5.5 - Syntax checking for regular expressions and other language features.
- JavaScript Debugger - Inspect shadowed variables while debugging JavaScript.
- Editor tabs multi-select - Select and perform actions on multiple tabs simultaneously.
- Profiles - Open new windows with your preferred profile.
- Editor actions - Immediately access editor actions across editor groups.
- Copilot extensibility - Build AI into your extensions with the Chat and Language Model API.
- VS Code Speech - Automatically read out Copilot Chat responses with text-to-speech.
- Find in notebooks - Restrict search to selected cells in notebooks.
- Chat context - Quickly attach different types of context in chat.
- IntelliSense in chat responses - Better understand generated code with IntelliSense.
- Preview Markdown images & videos - Hover over a link to preview images & videos in Markdown.
- Enhanced branch switching - Restore open editors seamlessly when switching between branches.
- Middle-click paste support - Paste text quickly in the terminal using a mouse middle-click.
- WSL over Remote - SSH - Use WSL when connected to a remote machine via Remote - SSH.
- Accessible View - Navigate through comments, chat code blocks & terminal commands from the Accessible View.
- Keyboard shortcuts for UI actions - Customize keybindings for UI actions directly with a right-click.
- Quick Search - Search for text across your workspace with Quick Search.
- AI-powered rename suggestions - Get intelligent rename suggestions in the editor with Copilot.
- Copilot content exclusion - Exclude files from being used in the Copilot context.
- Local workspace extension - Include and install extensions directly in your workspace.
- Apply custom editor labels - Distinguish between editors with same file names.
- Locked scrolling - Compare editors side-by-side with synchronized scrolling.
- Extension update improvements - Restart extensions without reload & update extensions with VS Code releases.
- Test Coverage API - Native code coverage support in VS Code.
- Folding markers in minimap - Easily identify and navigate to code sections from minimap.
- Quick Search improvements - Sticky file path separators and separator buttons.
- Notebook Run cells in section - Quickly run all cells in a notebook section.
- Copilot improvements - Improved inline chat UI, commit messages, and used references.
- Python auto-detect improvements - Detect startup files for Flask & Django, discover Hatch environments.
- Preview: Terminal inline chat - Start a Copilot inline chat conversation directly from the terminal.
- Voice dictation in editor - Use your voice to dictate directly in the editor.
- Multi-cursor inline suggestions - Review and accept inline suggestions for multiple cursors.
- Copilot-powered rename suggestions - Get rename suggestions for symbols from Copilot.
- Side-by-side preview refactoring - Preview refactorings across files with multi diff editor.
- Smarter Python imports - Improvements for adding missing Python imports.
- Sticky scroll in editor - Sticky scroll is enabled by default in the editor.
- Multi-language support for speech - Multiple languages supported for speech recognition.
- Copilot suggestions for dev containers - Get template and feature suggestions for dev container configurations.
- Floating editor windows - Drag and drop editors onto your desktop.
- Accessible View workflow - Smoother transitions to and from the Accessible View.
- Finer extension update control - Choose which extensions to auto update.
- Source Control incoming and outgoing view - Easily review pending repository changes.
- JavaScript heap snapshots - Visualize heap snapshots including memory object graphs.
- TypeScript Go to Definition from inlay hints - Jump to definition from inlay hint hovers.
- Python type hierarchy display - Quickly review and navigate complex type relationships.
- GitHub Copilot updates - Inline chat improvements, Rust code explanation.
- Preview: expanded Sticky Scroll support - Sticky Scroll in tree views and the terminal.
- More audio cues - New audio cues to indicate clear, save, and format activity.
- Activity bar position - Move Activity bar to the top for compact display.
- Hide editor tabs - Show multiple, single, or no editor tabs.
- Maximize Editor Groups - Quickly expand the active Editor Group.
- Python improvements - Better run code in terminal, easier virtual environment creation.
- FastAPI tutorial - Learn about developing Python FastAPI apps with VS Code.
- Gradle for Java - Improved support for Java Gradle projects.
- Preview: GitHub Copilot - Chat "agents", generate commit messages, terminal support.
- Accessibility improvements - Screen reader support for the pull request comments.
- Better Command Palette search - New "similar commands" list to help command discovery.
- Add custom icons to profiles - Display an icon to easily identify the active profile.
- Compact editor tab height - Shrinks editor tab height for larger editor region.
- Dedicated pinned editor row - New editor tab row supports pin/unpin via drag and drop.
- Go to Symbol in notebooks - Quickly navigate to code symbols in your notebook.
- Python debugger updates - Configure whether to step into system/library or just your code.
- Preview: GitHub Copilot - Test generation based on current framework and project conventions.
None of these were things I expected from this tvshow, let alone one episode. amazed.