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Donald Trump’s latest attack on American rule of law and the U.S. Dept. of Justice is facing condemnation. The GOP presidential nominee and convicted felon awaiting sentencing, while speaking at a courthouse press conference on his efforts to appeal a $5 million judgment in a New York sexual abuse and defamation civil case, called the DOJ’s bombshell indictments in the Kremlin cash and Russian disinformation case a “scam.”

It’s always the same,” observed foreign policy, national security, and political affairs analyst and commentator David Rothkopf. “Defend Putin. Defend Russia. Defend corruption. Accuse those who are enforcing the law of being engaged in a scam. Why does he sound this way? Because he is a traitor and a criminal.”

Trump told reporters Friday, “This is a long and complicated web and story, but it all goes back to the DOJ and Kamala and sleepy Joe and all the rest of them.”


“Nobody’s ever seen anything like what’s happening now. I understand yesterday, they’re bringing up Russia, Russia, Russia again, that they’ve done for years. Never found anything,” Trump falsely claimed. “But they should be looking at China, China, China, Iran, Iran, Iran, lots of other places.”

“I haven’t spoken to anybody from Russia in years. They know that, but it’s a scam,” he claimed. “But, it all goes back to the DOJ because we had a trial today. It’s an appeal of a ridiculous –.”

Trump was referring to this week’s indictments that reveal a U.S. media outlet that platformed several far-right pro-Trump influencers was funded with millions of dollars from Russia in a scheme to help Trump.


The liberal super PAC American Bridge responded to Trump’s comments by pointing to an Associated Press article and writing: “YESTERDAY Trump’s former senior campaign aide was charged for accepting $1 million to spew Kremlin talking points.”



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For many months, media critics and liberal Democrats have insisted that Donald Trump’s mental unfitness for the presidency is—or should be treated as—a big and important news story in and of itself. If President Biden’s age merited extensive, focused coverage because his fitness for the job was naturally of interest to voters, goes this critique, then surely Trump’s visible incoherence, cognitive impairment, inability to cogently discuss the simplest public matters, and increasingly strange flights of fantasy deserve equivalent treatment.

This argument has never received an even remotely serious hearing from newsroom leaders at big media organizations. But it might have just become a bit harder to ignore, now that a well-respected veteran journalist has—in a moment of striking candor—called out his colleagues for failing to take Trump’s mental state seriously as a story in its own right.

“We have a damaged, delusional, old man who again might get reelected to the presidency of the United States,” Mike Barnicle, who served as a longtime columnist for The Boston Globe and other newspapers, said on [TV ]Morning Joe early Wednesday. Barnicle continued that Trump frequently says “deranged” things in public that “you wouldn’t repeat” on “American television” or “in front of your children.”


The judgment that Trump is “out of his mind” might strike some newsroom denizens as loaded, opinionated language. And surely some of them would reject Barnicle’s critique by noting that they do often cover Trump’s wild-eyed utterances.

But we should pause to appreciate Barnicle’s deeper, underlying point here. It’s that merely covering each of Trump’s hallucinatory claims as news items, even if that includes aggressively fact-checking them, doesn’t do justice to the much bigger story that’s unfolding right at the end of all of our noses.



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They think they can insult women’s intelligence and then win over women voters by pretending to be moderate on reproductive rights. How’s that for dumb?

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have made it abundantly clear that they think Kamala Harris is dumb. But apparently they think that women voters are even dumber.

Never mind that Harris is a law school graduate who was later elected San Francisco district attorney, California attorney general, U.S. senator, and vice president of the United States. Trump commonly casts his opponent as intellectually lacking, calling her “dumb as a rock” and “low IQ” at his rallies, and advancing crude, sexist tropes suggesting that Harris used sex to get ahead professionally. And last week, his running mate took the insult to a crueler level, with collateral humiliating damage.


Vance on August 29 tweeted a 2007 viral video of a Miss Teen USA contestant who flubbed a question about geography, and added this comment: “BREAKING: I have gotten ahold of the full Kamala Harris CNN interview.” The contestant, Caite Upton, was only 17 at the time, and was so mortified by the video and the ensuing mockery that she had considered suicide. After Vance’s post dredged up her past, threatening to subject her to more humiliation, Upton posted on X, “Regardless of political beliefs, one thing I do know is that social media and online bullying needs to stop.” She then deleted her account—for reasons we can probably guess. But Vance, when confronted with the troubling history of the video he resurfaced, was unmoved. “I’m not going to apologize for posting a joke,” he said.

It is fair to say, at this point, that Vance and his would-be boss don’t see women as equal in any way to men. They are punch lines. They are targets of insult and ridicule and disdain. Their purpose is to satisfy men sexually—“You can do anything” to them—and provide children. Those who don’t provide children are loathsome cat ladies.


Earlier this year, Trump referred to his primary opponent Nikki Haley—a woman he once selected as ambassador to the United Nations—as a “birdbrain” and called MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski “dumb as a rock.” Trump is particularly fond of demeaning Black women who have challenged him, calling California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters “a seriously low IQ person” and saying New York Attorney General Letitia James has “a big, nasty, and ugly mouth”—and, of course, “is a Low IQ individual,” as well. Vance, meanwhile, barely finished fielding backlash against 2021 comments about “childless cat ladies” before two more past interviews surfaced in which he lambasted women who refuse to reproduce. The pair have become a tag team of misogyny.


Trump’s frantic efforts to finesse his ever-changing position on reproductive rights isn’t helping either. Asked last week how he would vote on a Florida referendum enshrining abortion rights in the state constitution, Trump appeared to back it, saying, “I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks,” which is the current cutoff for abortion access in Florida. But after blowback on the right, he said he would oppose the referendum. And on protecting access to in vitro fertilization—an emotional, powerful issue even for some in the anti-abortion camp—Trump is flailing, trying to thwart concerns that so-called “pro-life” state laws will imperil it.


Trump’s problem with women voters this year, compared to previous election cycles, is that he has both a governing record and a legal record, having been found liable in 2023 for sexually abusing and defaming columnist E. Jean Carroll. Trump may have felt emboldened after winning the 2016 election even after the notorious Access Hollywood tape, but his presidential legacy, including appointing the pivotal Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022, can’t be dismissed as locker-room talk.


Another factor is turnout among women. Reproductive rights ballot initiatives in 10 states in November could motivate more women to vote. Tom Bonier, who analyzes voter registration and turnout, reported a jump in registration among women voters in 13 states that have updated their voter files since July 21, with the increase more than twice that for male voters. An Atlanta Journal-Constitution analysis found that in the three and a half weeks after Harris got into the race, registrations were higher than at the same point four years previously—largely because of women voters.


But thinking you can hoodwink women voters into believing you respect them and will protect their reproductive rights, after a litany of insults and flip-flops? That’s just dumb.


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Two days after U.S. authorities accused two employees of Russian state media network RT of coordinating an online network aimed at influencing the 2024 presidential election, more than 400 posts by Tenet Media, the online content company at the heart of the case, were still accessible on TikTok, unlabeled and untouched.

So too were Tenet Media's nearly 2,500 Instagram videos and more than 4,000 posts on social network X, along with its posts on Facebook and video platform Rumble.

Of all the major platforms where Tenet distributed its videos, so far only Alphabet's YouTube has taken action penalizing the company, pulling down the main Tenet Media channel along with four others operated by owner Lauren Chen on Thursday.


The platforms' apparent inaction on the campaign is a striking departure from the aggressive efforts they have touted in recent years to expose secretive foreign propaganda campaigns, reflecting both the novelty of the tactics allegedly used and the fraught politics of policing content posted by real people inside the United States.

It also exposes a fresh challenge faced by the platforms as Russia increasingly turns to unwitting American social media stars to covertly influence voters ahead of U.S. elections this year, a sort of digital update to Cold War-era practices of laundering messages through journalists or front media outlets, according to disinformation researchers

"What we're ultimately grappling with is a problem that exists in the real world. It's manifesting on social media in the sense that the entity has a presence there, but it isn't a social media problem per se," said Olga Belogolova, a disinformation professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and former head of influence operations policy at Meta.



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Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, privately heaped praise on a major religious-rights group for fighting efforts to reform the nation’s highest court — efforts sparked, in large part, by her husband’s ethical lapses.

Thomas expressed her appreciation in an email sent to Kelly Shackelford, an influential litigator whose clients have won cases at the Supreme Court. Shackelford runs the First Liberty Institute, a $25 million-a-year organization that describes itself as “the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty for all Americans.”


Thomas wrote that First Liberty’s opposition to court-reform proposals gave a boost to certain judges. According to Shackelford, Thomas wrote in all caps: “YOU GUYS HAVE FILLED THE SAILS OF MANY JUDGES. CAN I JUST TELL YOU, THANK YOU SO, SO, SO MUCH.”


Shackelford attacked Justice Elena Kagan as “treasonous” and “disloyal” after she endorsed an enforcement mechanism for the court’s newly adopted ethics code in a recent public appearance. He said that such an ethics code would “destroy the independence of the judiciary.” (This past weekend, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said she too was open to an enforceable ethics code for the Supreme Court.)


This is not the first time that a spouse of a Supreme Court justice injected themselves into controversial political matters. Ginni Thomas sent dozens of messages after the 2020 election that echoed then-President Donald Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud. In messages to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Thomas said “Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History” and urged Trump to not concede the election. In emails to Arizona and Wisconsin lawmakers, she pleaded with them to fight back against supposed fraud and send a “clean slate of Electors.” She later wrote, “The nation’s eyes are on you now. … Please consider what will happen to the nation we all love if you do not stand up and lead.”


Martha-Ann Alito, the wife of Justice Samuel Alito, faced scrutiny for flying an upside-down American flag at the family’s Virginia home — a symbol used by the Stop the Steal movement that claimed the 2020 election had been stolen from Trump. The flag flew outside the Alito home as the Supreme Court was deciding whether to hear a case related to the 2020 election. (Samuel Alito told The New York Times he had no role in flying the flag. He said his wife did it in response to “a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”)


Near the start of the Biden presidency, [Shackelford] said, First Liberty raised $3 million to run a campaign that sought to block efforts to add more justices to the high court and to reform or eliminate the filibuster in the U.S. Senate. Getting rid of the filibuster then would’ve removed the 60-vote procedural hurdle that currently exists for most types of legislation.

According to Shackelford, First Liberty conducted polling, ran advertisements, worked with social media influencers and urged Congress to oppose these changes. In particular, Shackelford said, his group focused its activities on convincing Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to oppose filibuster reform.

In the end, both senators did just that. “We stopped this from happening,” Shackelford said. (Spokespeople for Manchin and Sinema did not respond to requests for comment.)

But now, he went on, First Liberty needed more money if it wanted to mount a similar campaign to stop Supreme Court reform. He mentioned the Brennan Center’s recent $30 million gift and then asked, “Where’s our, you know, $10 million guy or gal?”


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You may not know the term ‘Gish gallop‘ but you’ve seen it in action if you have watched any Donald Trump performance. It is a firehose of lies and disinformation employed to sow chaos rather than educate. It is dishonorable.

The technique is named for creationist Duane Gish who used it in his debates with biologists [and described in the Scientific American].

His tactic consisted of talking fast and with confidence, bombarding opponents with falsehoods, non-sequiturs and enough cherry-picked factoids to confuse the audience. Scientists debating him faced the challenge of sifting half-truths from outright lies and finding the right evidence to refute them systematically, all within the few minutes allowed in response.


Nothing that Trump does is in good faith nor does he comport to norms. If that were the case, he would not still be trumpeting lies from eight years ago.

This scenario sounds eerily similiar to how news organizations, “[d]espite eight years and two election cycles,” continue to normalize Trump’s speeches by providing a coherence that is missing from the original.


It is the news media’s job to point out untruths. Period. Not parrot them or slide them under the rug.

Scientific American calls this integrity. I think of it as ethics. To that end, today’s journalists need to revisit the code of ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists:

Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity (emphasis added).


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The Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance said that school shootings were simply a “fact of life” after a shooting at a Georgia high school left four dead — the 45th school shooting in the United States so far this year.

The comments, made at an Arizona rally on Thursday, come after Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz called for enhanced gun control measures in their own campaign rallies following the shooting.

“If these psychos are going to go after our kids we’ve got to be prepared for it,” Vance said, bucking a question asked on gun control measures and instead championing efforts to spend more on school security, per the Associated Press. “We don’t have to like the reality that we live in, but it is the reality we live in. We’ve got to deal with it.”


The New York Times Climate Forward event will align with the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, and one its speakers will be Kevin D. Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action for America.

Project 2025 is a [Republican] presidential playbook to dismantle democracy, spearheaded and organized by the far-right Heritage Foundation, and with 100 coalition partner organizations, many of which are well-known for pushing anti-LGBTQ policy, climate change denials, anti-abortion views, and harmful rhetoric, accompanied by Christian nationalism.

You may find this useful: https://www.25and.me


Here is the indictment and press release by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The indictment of two employees of RT - formerly 'Russia Today', a Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlet based in Moscow - includes allegations that they implemented a nearly $10 million plan to fund a U.S.-based company as one of their “covert projects.”

Employees of the Russia-backed media network RT funded and directed a scheme that sent millions of dollars to prominent right-wing commentators through a media company that appears to match the description of Tenet Media, a leading platform for pro-Trump voices [...]

The indictment on Wednesday of two RT employees, Konstantin Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, includes allegations that the duo implemented a nearly $10 million plan to fund an unnamed Tennessee-based company as one of their “covert projects” to influence American politics by posting videos to TikTok, Instagram, X and YouTube.


[Involved apoear to be] six commentators: Lauren Southern, Tim Pool, Tayler Hansen, Matt Christiansen, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson. The indictment refers to six commentators, who are not named.


Details included in the indictment match those of two of Tenet’s personalities: Rubin and Pool. As of Wednesday, Rubin’s “The Rubin Report” YouTube channel had 2.44 million subscribers. The indictment refers to “Commentator-1” as having over 2.4 million YouTube subscribers. A person with over 1.3 million YouTube subscribers is referred to as “Commentator-2.” Pool now has 1.37 million subscribers. The indictment also refers to three other commentators, including one with female pronouns, but lacked any information that could directly identify their channels.



China's foreign ministry on Wednesday called on Eswatini, the sole diplomatic ally of Taiwan in Africa, to "recognize the trend" and “make correct decisions.”

Eswatini is the only African country absent from the 2024 Summit of the Forum of China-Africa Cooperation that is being held in Beijing this week.

Joined by representatives from 53 African countries and other regional and international organizations, the summit is expected to adopt an action plan for the two sides to further strengthen cooperation in global governance, security, trade and investment in the next three years.

China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told reporters that is "It is not in Eswatini's interest to develop official diplomatic relations with the Taiwan region."

China has long regarded the self-ruled Taiwan as a reneged province that has no right to establish diplomatic relations with other sovereign states.

At the daily news briefing, Mao said she was unaware of a report that a former New York governor’s aide has been charged with acting as an undisclosed agent of Beijing.

Linda Sun was arrested Tuesday morning along with her husband at their multimillion-dollar home on Long Island, New York.

Prosecutors say Sun blocked representatives of the Taiwanese government from having access to high-level officials in New York and shaped New York governmental messaging to align with China's priorities, among other infractions.


A story posted on a mysterious website has been widely circulated on social media after it made a baseless claim that Kamala Harris - the Democratic presidential nominee - was involved in an alleged hit-and-run incident.

It claims, without providing evidence, that a 13-year-old girl was left paralysed by the crash, which it says took place in San Francisco in 2011.

The story, which was published on 2 September by a website purporting to be a media organisation called KBSF-San Francisco News, has been widely shared online. Some online posts by right-leaning users citing the story have been viewed millions of times.

BBC Verify has found numerous false details indicating it is fake and the website has now been taken down.


Fake news stories targeting the US

The story and the website it originally appeared on share striking similarities with a network of fake news websites that masquerade as US local news outlets, which BBC Verify has previously extensively reported on.

John Mark Dougan, a former Florida police officer who relocated to Moscow is one of the key figures behind the network.

Approached by BBC Verify to comment on the hit-and-run story, Mr Dougan denied any involvement, saying: “Do I ever admit to anything? Of course it’s not one of mine.”

The websites mix dozens of genuine news stories taken from real news outlets with what is essentially the real meat of the operation - totally fabricated stories that often include misinformation about Ukraine or target US audiences.

The websites are often set up shortly before the fake stories appear on them, and then go offline after they serve their purpose.


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As Republican politicians in the U.S. push anti-transgender rhetoric ahead of a historic election, transgender and nonbinary Americans are facing new laws and rules that effectively prohibit them and others from obtaining documentation like birth certificates and driver’s licenses that align with their gender identities.

Advocates are fighting back. They’ve been mobilizing communities and organizing resources to help transgender Americans, an effort aimed at safeguarding their civic rights. Some trans voters have expressed confusion and fear of discrimination at the ballot box that could discourage them from participating in public life.

“There is a chilling effect,” said Lauren Kunis, CEO and executive director of VoteRiders, which helps voters obtain identification. “There is an unsafe and intimidating environment around existing as trans in society, and definitely in being able to go to the polls safely and cast a ballot.”

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Guess 'not voting' is what Trump's MAGA billionaires want - as well as China, Russia, Iran.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

If we want to know whether or not digital devices should be allowed in schools, why don't we ask the folks in the Silicon Valley. They must know it, and have been telling us for years:

Parents working in Silicon Valley are sending their children to a school where there’s not a computer in sight – (2015)

In the heart of Silicon Valley is a nine-classroom school where employees of tech giants Google, Apple and Yahoo send their children. But despite its location in America’s digital centre, there is not an iPad, smartphone or screen in sight.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago

Texas AG raids homes of Latino civil rights group members, setting up a voting rights showdown -(Archived)

The raids have triggered outrage and cries of voter suppression in a state with a long history of discrimination against citizens of Mexican descent, which helped give rise to LULAC.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

Reid Hoffman & Co have been heavily lobbying against Linda Khan, recently also with donations to Kamala Harris' campaign. I also hope Ms. Khan keeps her job after Ms. Harris became president ...

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

A far right-wing agenda by Trump's supporters to overthrow democracy in the U.S. See, for example, here: https://web.archive.org/web/20240810100005/https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-project-2025-secret-training-videos-trump-election

Addition: This is also a good link to find yozr way through Project 2025: https://www.25and.me

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

Democrats Sue Georgia Election Board Over New Rules That Could Delay Vote Certification

The Georgia Democratic Party claims Trump's allies are trying to "establish a new power of not certifying an election result should their preferred candidate lose."

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

No clue, but these guys might know it: https://www.votefromabroad.org

[–] [email protected] 24 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Logan Act

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized American citizen. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

As I wrote in tbe other comment in this thread: That's just a fraction aimed at specific children-related projects. Canada's total support is much higher as we know.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

That's just a fraction aimed at specific children-related projects. Canada's total support is much higher as we know.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

'The Insider' is an independent media outlet originally from Russia. It is banned there, though, labelled by the Kremlin as 'foreign agent', which is why it's headquatered in Latvia now.


(Edit typo.)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

@[email protected] @[email protected]

It seems it doesn't work without whataboutism here.

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