
joined 2 years ago
[–] 48 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Would need the details on some of these.

  • The empty container depends on the definition of "container" and "empty". If a house is a container for people it's easy to rob when empty. If you have to be looking at an airless vacuum it's dogshit. Otherwise I'm sure you could make money with a creative gambling scheme.
  • Gravel for life, like an infinite bucket full? Or the typical "for life" shit where you just get one trailer full dumped in your driveway every year for 60 years. Probably an overrated pick.
  • Teleporting is almost certainly the best pick. Is there a cool down? Do you keep momentum? Can it be in any direction? Does it take the same effort as walking? If you can spam it at the speed thought, you're now flying. Even with a CD you could be a world class athlete in a lot of sports. Or just do simple stuff like reach a high shelf or teleport out of handcuffs.