
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 days ago (1 children)

This should be an interesting one for seeing who reads articles and who reads just headlines.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I still have one for Marketplace, but there's been no activity for 8 years. Apparently people still said happy birthday to me up to 2021.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (6 children)

You're clearly not blessed with basic literacy. Perhaps start with placing a question mark somewhere so I have something to dodge.

The things that happen in your head, you need to externalise them so people don't think you're mad. Finding hilarity doesn't help, it's just weird now.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

I didn't ask for anything, but you've managed to find information that says, "Feed your dog food." Cool.

Unsurprisingly, you will see this same text on the other breeds. It's the AKC so information is generic and minimal.

Somehow it seems this may be a surprise to you, but different breeds have different dietary requirements, You are meant to know these well and stick to them as the side effects of not doing this become apparent, such is the case with all ~~special, mythical creatures~~ dogs I have had. Some are easy, some are more difficult. Diet should be well-researched before getting any breed or you could end up at the vet, finding out there. And, yes, in addition to everything else, his local vet and a vet friend prescribe the same diet.

you should be making sure it can't access bones.

Now you're just making stuff up or didn't read your own "source". Or the Sami were doing it wrong for 3,000 years and it's a wonder the breed survived! /s

Well, we know now dogs need food, but what is "all the nutrients the Finnish Lapphund needs"? Well, I'm glad you didn't ask...

They should be having around 15–20% of their meal being raw bone, obviously not cooked or hollowed. For most dogs on raw diets, the standard is around 7–15%. Additionally, apart from their large canine fangs, their teeth are mostly very large splitters specifically for bone as much of their diet is carcasses. Reindeer, rabbit, fish, often partially frozen as they're nomadic. Many other spitz breeds share this trait like buhunds, lundehunds, and malamutes. They can have dry foods, but it isn't as easy to consume with those teeth and a high moisture diet is needed as they quickly start having digestive issues on dries—a lot of gas and blockages, he will begin whimpering and stop eating after about a week. It is like if you were suddenly forced to eat something the human body does not know how to handle. Though, other dogs I've had have eaten only dry foods and thrive with them, as simple as grabbing a good bag from the pet store.

The other key is omegas as they have evolved on a heavy fish diet and their body demands it much more for their insane coat and its production. He certainly needs more than my other double-coated dogs. Again, this isn't unusual for many spitz breeds from colder parts of Europe. Not doing this results in huge energy drops and a poor coat. They are extremely resourceful with fats compared to many other breeds, but still require much more so whole fish and berries are regular. Considering this guy is out in the snow for days on end at times, covering long distances, he relies on that famous lappie coat and good energy reserves. It's 1C right now and he's out sleeping in the cold by choice. They can manage -30C before needing a heat source, provided they're getting the proper fats.

Not that you'd care, but there are entire books about this, including written by the Sami themselves. Obviously none of it stops at "feed it high quality food." Yeah, duh. That's true for any ~~special, mythical creature~~ dog, or you're just an ignorant owner.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (4 children)

"Be a dear and help me with the Google."

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (8 children)

EatATaco, you have not asked a question.

No one has stated the US is the worst in the world, so I don't know why you typed what you did.

"Here" is "not the US"; and that is the point. To state where I am would make no sense but it also wouldn't be respective of where I have been.

I did not think such a point would be a challenge to grasp, let alone be upsetting. I'll encourage you to stop making assumptions that upset you. That's a you problem and it's not nice to point fingers at others to spite the follies you're "willing to bet on."

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

When I have done this in the past, he has become unwell and unenergetic. Because I am responsible for his well-being, it is cruel to conscientiously neglect it. Fur is not a extensive thing, but is given in a meal once or twice a week. Bone is in every meal.

It may not be necessary for all breeds, however this topic has been covered extensively—especially for Lapphunds and similar breeds—and therefore there is a wealth of information available to you if you would like to have a quick look into it. As a dog owner, a primary responsibility is ensuring they're healthy, just as much as you hopefully look after your own health. A Finnish Lapphund has a noticeable uptick in health and behaviour when their diet is looked after. I have had many dogs and this breed is more unique in diet than others. It is one of the noteable points raised and discussed when deciding to care for one; again, you can easily find information on this yourself. If you have a lappie and have somehow missed this, I strongly encourage you to look it up, especially for their longevity. Their teeth structure alone highlight the reliability of bone in their diets as well.

Edit: And a benefit here is that rabbits are invasive and endanger native wildlife. So it is more ethical, healthier, and available option than fur and feather supplements.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (6 children)

You could, but a vet will remind you that lappies (and most other dogs) catch, kill, and eat furred animals for tens of thousands of years. Perhaps more modern breeds may be special, but not the ancient dogs. They are simple as long as diet matches the biome they evolved in, otherwise it can get messy (lol) and they are less energetic.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

We have similar where I live, but trout. It is incredibly cheap here but becomes expensive as you travel away. He loves trout and tries to hunt for it, but has never been successful because he is too excited and loud as he approaches. I hear they are excellent at fishing, but so far he is not 🤣

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

It's true. Off cuts and leftovers from the butchers and hunters are "spoils" that bleed the bank dry, but I can't afford fancy tin food like on the TV.

Fortunately, his meals are often free depending on how the day went.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (10 children)

Go watch the pre-race and opening ceremonies to Formula 1 races and compare the spectacle of USA to any other nation. You'll find that "here" is basically "not USA". Celebrities do exist, but they aren't granted much status and often move to the USA to try garner that, as this seems to be the only place on the planet where popularity is a career path.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Ah, okay. Makes sense.

But I have assumptions about OP now which I think are probably correct.

Okay (
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