in my heart i never truly left 196, so i’m still on my first visit
Also sometimes you don’t get rejected and instead get dragged into a 6 year long abusive relationship with someone with both borderline and narcissistic personality disorder and you end up with ptsd.
rejections feel nice after that
I didn’t become vegan because i didn’t like the taste or the experience. I did because I could no longer handle contributing to animal cruelty every time i need to feed myself (or clothes, or so many other things). It’s a moral decision, not a culinary adventure.
Prior to becoming vegan i said the same thing you are saying in this post. I’m gonna tell you the same thing i would tell my younger self: go fuck yourself, i’ll be vegan however i want. Why the fuck are you judging how i’m doing so? What the absolute shit does it matter whether you “understand” why i eat what i eat? I do eat a lot of those cuisines, but i do also eat vegan meat replacements, because sometimes i just feel like a burger, and vegan food science has been getting better and better over the last few decades.
Plus, all of those traditional recipes and exotic veggies are available to you too. You can eat them even if you’re not vegan. Hell, you can even add meat to them if you want. Many of them are made traditionally both with and without meat. But no, you pick a hot dog too?
We should subtract from the military’s budget anything they can’t explain on an audit.
never offer tech support
it’s fine just start the load over
pretty sure i’ve received this same msg on tinder
ok but can you get me a job there bc i think i would excel
I didn’t make the rule. it has existed since the original egg_irl back on reddit. Your post was reported by other members of this community for having broken the first rule of this community.
I am but a servant to the masses, and the masses demand this rule stay in place, as is and has always been the tradition of egg_irl.
Hello friend.
Your post is breaking rule #1 of this community: All posts must be titled "egg_irl" or "egg[some emojis]irl". Please fix your title to prevent your post from being removed!
ok this loss caught me by surprise
I like to think of it as the same show as Friends, except the writers are all completely totally aware that their characters are absolute pieces of human garbage.
Dennis’s BPD diagnosis was a bit triggering, as that episode aired just after i’d gotten out of a 6 year long abusive relationship with someone who had both borderline & narcissistic personality disorder, and dennis having BPD kinda tracks hard.
I’ve always loved the show, but you have to keep in mind that this is and has always been the premise: all of the main characters are complete shitbags. It’s a parody of the worst of humanity, and it’s an amazing show under that lens.