Don't worry, it's too big for him.
joined 6 months ago
If the universe is truly infinite and as homogeneous as it appears to be, then an infinite amount of people had already said that, will say that and are saying it right now.
We can do it, we can create our own Internet, I mean Lemmy, without pitchforks and torches! At least until Lemmy gets relevant. Well, as "relevant" as reddit used to be.
Nicht doch, wir Brüder und Schwestern der Pastalen Front müssen uns nicht entschuldigen, niemals!
Ja gut, so wie es vorher ausgehen hat, darüber wollen wir gar nicht erst reden.
Danke! Der einzig verständliche Kommentar in dieser Kommune!
Halt die Klappe!
Halt die Klappe!
Halt die Klappe!
Halt die Klappe!
Lead is the best, makes everyone truly crazy!