I put off watching Prince of Darkness for ages and when I finally did, it gave The Thing a run for its money as my favourite Carpenter. Also it got me to watch Quatermass & the Pit which I loved too.
joined 1 month ago
Near Dark is one of my favourite vampire movies tbh, I rewatch it fairly regularly which isn't common for me. The horror + western combo I dig just generally, it is beautifully filmed, & I love Bill Paxton's unhinged energy.
Given this one and Strange Days I wish Bigelow had a couple more films in the weirdo genres!
Severance, my mother is visiting and she had only seen the first episode so there was a binge to get her all caught up!
Other than that, Elsbeth as a comfy show, plus I started Common Side Effects too, and also a Hulu show called Paradise which I am still making my mind up about.
Threads (1984), imo there are very few films I think everyone should watch but that's the one that most readily comes to mind.