I’ve been in potentially deadly situations but guns were irrelevant to the equation.
May I please admit to the metric fuck ton of awkward things I’ve transported by rolling them on a skateboard?
Skaters are not only good at balancing after a few years practice, but they come with their own handy miniature moving van accessory.
I’d really love to know who had what on Orban to cause him to change his tune so radically.
The disconnection between the crowd-sourced content (original stuff and commercial articles) and Reddit’s heavy handed dismissal of users always felt weird.
The fact that they (with user help) aggregated OTHER BUSINESS’ content without recompense was a mystery. Like, you didn’t even need to go to the other site to read it.
Are the federation maps?
They are a danger to society.
Interesting, thanks.
I’m not advocating ‘censorship’. I’m advocating for standards of truth in news media. Unless it’s laid out as the facts, it’s opinion.
This used to be the case until Murdoch and the GOP changed the law to allow bullshit.
Well yes there is that.
Most of these don’t even say anything bad. Just random numbers and letters.
All that free protein, and people are complaining?!?!