went today. the rest of the inner city is great and walkable. but this is still an eyesore and made me think of this community right away
does the dup
completion-item option work for that? it should at least dedup items from the same source, which should work as it's all the luasnip source(?)
it matters in what order the items are loaded in with this: the first one wins
here's a few that I have in my rss reader, most of them technology/open-source related:
- https://ariadne.space [rss]
- https://blog.brixit.nl [rss]
- https://drewdevault.com [rss]
- https://bower.sh [rss]
- https://whynothugo.nl [rss]
- https://emersion.fr/blog [rss]
- https://bitfehler.srht.site [rss]
- https://ploum.net/index_en.html [rss]
- https://ml4711.blogspot.com [rss]
not blogs, but more niche news compilations:
is that using the same software in the background as doubledoubletop?
would wstunnel help? just run that between both machines and pick whatever works best, even if that is ssh
just remembered something... while you can follow the site via RSS of course, they also post to a pleroma account for new blog posts and - crucially - updates to their ecosystem of extensions and tools
i recently made the switch from doing k3s+flux to have everything in code with bundlewrap and anemos/makeimg
upps, i was going to post the link actually... then boost made it look like i was going to be able to attach a picture too :P sry
EDIT: i changed the most to actually link to this
what kind of themes do you mean? just the client.*
colors as documented in sway(5)
or also styling of terminal, gui apps and such?
more so in the latter case, maybe check out https://github.com/Misterio77/flavours based around base16 themes
I use it to manage all my color configs
are you fucking kidding me