I'm Belgian. Dresden was a warcrime, Berlin rapes were warcrime, suck my cock.
joined 1 week ago
Retaliatiory warcrime is still warcrime you scum.
Let's see your hypocrisy unrevealed next time Hamas is bombing civilians.
Another .worldist cheering for civilians getting bombed. What a surprise.
Retalatiory warcrime is still war crime, idiot. Remember when hamas attacked?
"Forget the working class" he says, while cheering about civilians getting bombed.
What a scum lol
Retaliation warcrime is still warcrime, idiot. When hamas does it you guys are whining about terrorism
How is it a justification, dickface? It's an explanation, Putin is a fascists who took over Yeltsin and Yeltsin was also a fascist who was put there by the west. Sorry facts doesn't fit your brainwashing.