Kapitalismus setzt prioritäten.
Sure, but he was the best to describe the absurdity.
I think this more of a perspective thing, that might be related to free will vs. determinism.
In the end the set of possible outcomes and their probabilities are the same.
Lenin or Trotkij taking power leads to rather different outcomes in my opinion.
Kafka is also not a new author.
Konservatives want all drugs illegal and progressives want a more sensible approach - to keep peace in society democracy is able to find a compromise between those groups. After some time when acceptance rises, the compromise can be negotiated.
I had a longer conversation with that dude, just check his profile - he is really deep, like Jesus und Satan are real deep. So I would not be surprised if he peddeled the classic Jews killed Jesus trope. I'm still not sure he is not.
It's called compromise - kind of base of this whole democraticy thing we have going.
Courts deciding on nature of reality is peak Kafka.
Just happen to be that big tech is located in USA.
Nope, ich vergleiche nicht - ich gebe nur ein sehr deutlich Beispiel, das Motivation und Ziel einer Handlung bei ihrer moralischen Bewertung wichtig sind.
Nee, können wir nicht - gewalttätiger Wiederstand kann absolut berechtigt sein. Sorry aber bin kein Pazifist und finde Pazifismus naiv.
Achso - wenn du denkst das ich das konkrette Attentat auf springer bei dem Unbeteiligte zu Schaden gekommen sind gut finde, dann hast du mich missversttanden.
Nicht sicher wo ich dafür plädiere.
Or maybe sometimes you want to hang out with people who share a similar experience of being a women?