
joined 1 year ago

I will start by saying that I dislike most of what History channel is putting out there (e.g. Ancient Aliens), and I always had a dislike for the nearly laughable claims of the Skinwalker ranch books (e.g. the dino-beaver!).

However, now that the Ranch is under new management, some new things have come forward that make more sense than the outlandish old claims. So one evening I was bored and started watching the Secret of the Skinwalker Ranch on Hulu.

In the 4 seasons (3 on Hulu, and the new 4th one I purchased, since I don't have cable), quite some extraordinary things have been shared: compasses not working, constant equipment failures, UAPs in the sky the moment experiments were done, directed radiation, time dilation, and invisible anomalies hanging in the air (one at ~30 ft, and one at ~10000ft) that they measured their effects on.

For me, the two most interesting things they've found are these:

  • A system of tunnels under the ground, that go all the way in the mesa/plateau. When trying to dig to them, the drill goes through the ground like butter, but when arriving at one of the tunnel, it can't penetrate it. When the drill is removed, its teeth are not eaten out, as you would expect from a hard substance. It's as if it's a spongy force field, rather than diamonds...

  • At the suspending anomaly, they tried to put telescopes to lock into a star, so when the star would pass behind the anomaly, they would see if light is bend or not (that would indicate something cloaked). Well, when they did that (s3, e4) the telescope would lose its database the moment that it would turn towards the anomaly. These telescopes were not internet connected, so whatever was going on, it was affecting its EPROM chips. When manually turning the telescope away, the software would work again. In more than one occasion the experiments were interfered with, and the phenomena would get more aggressive when new experiments were to be done.

Now, I know what you're thinking. It's a reality show. And these are usually scripted. But I dare say, not in this case. The new owner of the Ranch is hellbent to find otherworld creatures (for his own reasons, some of them religious), and he's serious about it. The rest of the cast there is serious when interviewed outside of the show. When a debunker from NYPost visited them and asked to camp alone on the property, they were genuinely extremely concerned about him, and he had a health waiver signed.

Travis Taylor PhD, their main scientist in the project, who is also part of the Pentagon UAP task force, is adamant that whatever we see on the show, is real. Not only that, but History Channel had to remove some happenings, because they were too disturbing. E.g. Taylor was hit by radiation, got radiation burns and was sick for a week (peeing brown), losing hair, while no one next to him did when it happened (directed beam?). In other occasions he was throwing up and feeling bad right prior to an experiment, but when he entered a Faraday cage, the problems were disappearing. The moment he was coming out of it, he was sick again.

A camera crew member quit over those things.

So I'd like to ask the community here to give a second look at the show, at least seasons 2-4 (first one was a bit boring as a season). I think that there's something going on there for sure. And unfortunately, the show is all we are gonna get, because I don't see them publishing any peer reviewed research papers, since the show seems to have a US intelligence component to it behind the scenes, and its findings will be kept under lock and key (as it happened with Bigelow).

If I had to make my own guess, I'd say that we're looking at 4th dimensional objects being embedded in and out of the mesa there. We can see their effects with instrumentation, but not directly with our eyes. There are many abductee reports that they reported that they were escorted into bases deep on Earth, were tests performed on them. I think that the Ranch is one of these alien bases (and if there's one, it means that there are others too elsewhere).

I don't buy the main theory by Travis Taylor that this is a natural wormhole (in fact, I'd call that theory of his to be disinformation). The phenomenon there has intelligence and it interacts every time there's experiments to be done. That feels like an alien base to me, that has security measures. All the ghosts, skin walkers, and dino-beavers(!) that were reported in the past, they're probably just AI-driven security measures that interact with the consciousness of the surrounding people, to keep them at bay. Up until Bigelow, these things were passing as real things because ppl believed in them, but now under the new regime at the Ranch, where they are more straight and narrow with their science, NONE of the monster things are happening. Instead, we see direct interference with their experimentation, and direct attacks on the principal scientist. The phenomenon itself had to adapt.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

My favorite is PixelFed. I'm an artist, so Instagram was important for me, but for a few years now it's absolutely terrible (no reach at all with their special algorithms). PixelFed fixes all that, it replicates the feeling of IG as it was 8-10 years ago: chronological feed, tag-based, no extraneous features. I'm really enjoying it, as I can finally grow again my followship as an artist:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I will reply as someone who in 2015 had 340,000 followers overall in the big social media of the time (tumblr, insta, fb, flickr etc). I was the world's most popular collage artist at the time (not an exaggeration). I even got selected by NYTimes for having among the "best book covers of the year" in 2016, among other works for many magazines etc.

Long story short, for an artist to make it without a gallery (I despise the whole idea of galleries because they force you to make the same kind of art all the time), they must base their business via social media. There's no other way. And so I did, and did well. Well, come 2017, the enshitification of these platforms started happening. Nothing was chronological anymore. And since I'm not a person who shows what they ate today, or making it all about myself (I was only posting art, not personal stuff), their new recommendation algorithms destroyed my business. I used to make thousands per year to sustain my life, because each time I'd have a sale, people would SEE my post about it and if they liked my art, they'd buy. Now, my posts are served to about 1/10th of my followers, and no new users find me, because hashtags aren't embraced for finding new users anymore, everything's just recommendations. Within 5 short years since the big algorithmic, I was now making only about $100/month via my art. And that was not just for me, but 95% of other artists and photographers out there too. The recommendation system of all social media (including youtube now) only promotes a few superstars in any given field, not everyone is getting their share fair of exposure based on chronology. Many online small businesses don't work anymore because everything is not a fair field anymore. Even buying ads doesn't make a difference.

So, I have no interest in using things like Threads, where you are literally bombarded with celebrity and brands content, but almost none of the people you follow.

Reddit has followed the same line, it's just that we see it less, because it's more discussion-driven. But similar changes have happened to it -- in spirit. I still use reddit only for 3 sub-reddits that are too specific and don't have enough people for here yet. I don't use the rest of reddit.

On top of that, I'm not interested in trackers, ads, and everything that eventually lead to enshitification of these platforms. So now, I only use federated services. I have accounts with lemmy, mastodon, pixelfed, peertube, nostr, matrix, etc.

No, none of my friends are there (my husband has a mastodon account, and that's it). And I don't care if they aren't. When I'm with my mom next time I'll install a matrix client for her too, so she can call me for free (so we don't have to use fb messenger, the only big app I still use, so I can talk to her in Greece for free). Then, I won't need of these big social media apps.

As for my business, it will never come back (especially now with AI art). But at least, I have MORE eyes here on the fediverse than I have on the big social media. I posted a new painting on my pixelfed yesterday, and it got 17 likes, out of just 27 followers. On instagram I usually get 70 likes out of 3600 followers (that's on my illustration account, my other, collage account, had nearly 170,000 followers in its hey day). And consider that Pixelfed only has 160,000 users (plus federated via mastodon by some instances). Given that amount of likes on the fediverse, if Instagram was still chronological and hashtags were still bearing importance as they did in the past, my posts there could have about 5,000 likes -- given their 2+ bn users. Instead, with their recommendation engine, I get only 70 likes, and no new followers. So proportionally, I get more eyes on the fediverse, than I do on the big social media. So why would I want to go back to big social media? Just to be served Kim Kardashian content that I never asked for it? I won't.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Love PixelFed, I just like chronological and tag based systems. This way every user gets an equal opportunity to be seen. Unlike what's happening with recommendation systems, where only a few super stars are pushed by the algorithms. If anyone like traditional illustrations, here's my profile:


Painted on paper, with Korean-made watercolors.