Oh right, I forgot. Ahem... REDDIT?! HERESY!!1!
Damn that's a shame
Ayo wtf, that desktop is pretty asf. Well done!
Except they're not calling it the solution, just a remedy to a literally growing problem. Even if people stopped polluting the ocean in an instant, you'd still have to clean up the patch. Now, they're taking the initiative to go clean it up as best they can, which is a heck of a lot more than the average person lemme tell ya that much.
Worth noting that the confinement of Flatpaks and Snaps can have major drawbacks. It has been a major pain in the ass to get Flatpaks working nicely with fractional scaling (think tiny cursor, huge text, tiny text etc etc)
I feel like that's a pretty good take. As long as you're getting the software in an elegant way that doesn't break the dev's back, we're good.
This dude rn
Invites are very hard to obtain because you need to upload a lot of linux iso's to get enough credits for one.
Thank I'll check it out