Smh I literally had a punch of fools on here telling me he had finally brought peace… didn’t even take a week from their comments for this to happen
Do it. Same reason I did. The reality of it sucks, but it’s the way of the world. Don’t let conservatives be the only ones armed or we’re fucked for sure
Anyone that can go should go tell him what a bitch he is. Can’t believe there’s actually some people out there that would attend this on their own time and enjoy it…
Problem here is that conservatives are the armed ones and they’re the ones running the show with the govt. Anything that isn’t planned on a massive scale would be for naught and end up with us dead or in prison for life.
… who said I support them? I certainly didn’t. I just think Iran/Russia and their proxies are shit as well.
By all means if people rise up in the US against our corrupt government, I’ll be one of the first to grab my gun and be out on the streets.
Said by the person that seems to look up to Iran and their buddies lol
I just find it laughable to call them the “leaders of the free world” when half of their own population isn’t even free lmao
I love how you keep mentioning “liberal”. Conservatives just actually wanna blow them up