Alright, thanks anyway
Thank you for clearing it up. Unfortunately it does seem like another research dead end
Do you happen to use Omnivore on android too? If so, did you ever happen to have trouble syncing deletions/saved articles between them?
Anyone with a proper background would be kind enough to speculate whether this could lead to a possible cure?
8 hours? I would kill to get 8 hours battery life.
The dishonored universe is constantly residing in my head. One story I think would be interesting is where Corvo uses the cut power (Void House) that allows him to take a respite from battle. It could be set in a canon level or a random encounter that leaves him pretty shaken up, so he needs to recover. If you want to see what I'm talking about, here's a link.
Sysprep can reset the activation clock a max number of 3 times. You can set SkipRearm to 1 and it no longer does this, but of course the activation clock isn't reset, which 'defeats' continued reactivation. You learn something new every day I guess. See Serverfault - Does doing sysprep too many times cause issues?
I always wondered if people still make quirky Lego cities like the old days
Unfortunately flats are the most common thing I get and suck most at fixing on the road. I used to pack way too many tools than were necessary simply because one time my chain got stuck between the hub and frame, and I didn't have any tools with me.
Never thought about the mount-ability of those little straps since I always seem to have a spot for them on any bike I rode. It sucks to not have proper mounting, especially when doing a trip like this!
Ah, maybe that's due to the weather you had there. In my experience some ticks always seem to end up on my legs going through dense forests.
Thank you for the info, I appreciate it a lot!
Like others said, you can try installing Arch manually (not with the install script). You get the hang of the terminal and you get to see a bit more of how Linux works under the hood. The wiki is your friend, spend some time reading it!
Try Firefox, ditch Google, use uBlock Origin/piHole. Don't download random stuff from the internet.