
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

No I didn't imply neither of those. Please read these articles because its a global phenomena and have been going forever:

Russia, North Korea, Eygpt, Saudi Arabia, China, and many more to name but a few. These democratically-elected human-right-loving governments heavily invest and spend out of their own pockets into national sports for two reasons: 1- Force ALL their athletes to spread national propagonda and pride of how amazing their country is. 2- Distract the oppressed confused angry youth to watch and criticize sports and athletes to distract them from the country's corruption and human right records.

Russia waged several wars and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Dagestani people, and controlled Chechniya and all it governments, yet we see Khabib and other Dagestani UFC fighters cuddle up to Putin and Ramazan Kadyrov, when they know inside how much harm they did to their own people, but they were bought with millions of dollars. I can provide several examples showing the same exact thing with every country I mentioned. These governments intentional involvments in sporting leages have been documemted and have been happening since ever.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Oh, so I think what he means by "correct behavior" is "good cash"

[–] [email protected] 51 points 1 day ago (2 children)

he gifted him a gun to protect him from school shooting. that's right-wing logic

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I'm in this picture and I don't like it

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I just got another one today for "harassment" of zionism in r/worldnews. Reddit cannot hold a free discussion and they know it. They can't even let you speak to expose their bullshit, and permaban you when you do.

I can you show you the comment which got me banned. I was literally asking questions which they know the answer for but censor intentionally because they are bought and controlled by awful groups directly linked to the IDF themselves. They have a division who train and employe teens as stupid Hasbara trolls who don't know history and unable to hold a discussion.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

this happens with so many scripts I've tried to debug with strace because strace requires to run as root or sudo which elevates the niceness of process which prevents certain errors from occuring when the script is run with root permissions and so it runs flawlessly without bugs and you sit wondering wtf

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

There is one obvious solution. You ready for it? Israel should just become a normal country. No more aparthied, no more 99:1% imprisonment ratio for palestinians without trails, no more raping prisoners to death, no more 6 tons dumb bombing the most densly populated area with average age of 19 (btw the average age is 19 there for many reasons including the land\air\sea besieging, and polluted drinking water, and regularly air striking civilians there aka "mowing the lawn"), no more burning 300+ refugees to death because a "terrorist was hiding there", no more war crimes (I should repeat the last one a thousand times), no more killing people waving flags, no more killing a 6 yr old next to her family and watching her starve to death for a week while killing anyone and bombing any ambulance that tried to come close to help, no more illegal settlements.... bro you get the idea... just things all other countries in the world do because right now Israel is a colonizing genocidal aparthied. and it can either stay the indoctronated country that continues to commit unspeakable crimes against humanity by exercising more killing and colonizing and genocide and oppression with US tax money and support of Western values and weapons, Ooooooor it can intiate to treat and give palestinians their rights and lands and live in peace without the killing and nazification and bombing and besieging and illegal colonizing and all.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

they had me in the first half

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

best i can do is 1 and yes it is "fuck"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (3 children)

so your solution to save the hostages and to end the bloodshed is for the IDF to kill and bomb more? I don't get your question

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago (14 children)

When the IDF rescued the only 4 hostages they did, they killed 300+ mostly women and kids including some more of their own hostages.

So that's why probably it was a no brainer for Hamas to indeed just execute them as soon as they figured they would be found, to save the lives of hundrends of innocents


Shadow banning your comment where only you can see them.

This is what I see when I login from my account:

When I logout:

link to discussion:

the nazification of /r/worldnews has become ridiculous


Once I upvote a post, it would show me orange color that I have upvoted, but then as soon as I click on any post or change the page, I will come back home to find out that non of my upvotes were registered or stored.

This bug does not happen when I browse online then open the app. Only my upvotes through the app don't get registered.


I asked it about how to use etc with three dots in an example followed by a brand new sentence starting with a capital letter afterward.

It told me : / In standard usage, "etc." is typically followed by three dots and then continues with a lowercase letter. If you are starting a new sentence, you do not add additional dots after "etc." /

Then I begged it to give me an example of that rule. One such as:
I love swimming, soccer, etc... I also love eating animals.

And it just couldn't do that. It kept typing 4 dots or single dot or no dots at all, and it can't even recognize what it typed every single time. Lol try it yourself


First please don't ban me I'm new., ,, lemmy.whatever, etct... + hundreds of clones. Is each of these a Reddit by itself containing many subreddits inside it?

Does that mean if someone in posted something interesting that I wont even see it because I'm signed up in lemmy.yyy/c/jokes ?

That is quite a weakness of lemmy compared to reddit. Can I post on lemmy.yyy if I signed up for or do I have to sign up for each of them?

Which one should I sign up for?

How can I see all lemmy posts in one place? I can't believe no one has found a solution to this yet and just let hundreds of clones post repeated things. Also how is each moderated? Is lemmy.yyy moderated by sensitive snowflakes who ban anyone who cusses or offends anyone, while is ran by racist nazis? How does this work?

Edit: Thank you I read all comments and thank you some where very helpful. and I hope things get improved and added with time. here for the long ride

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