
joined 1 year ago

It’s hard to pin an exact number, but throughout western Kansas’s ~400 mi slog to Colorado, I was forced to view semi trailers with trump’s visage printed on the side, hilariously corny White Jesus signs, and Anti-Abortion signs approximately every ten miles.

I found it so disheartening, knowing that someone went through the effort of painting a semi trailer with Trump’s face on it and planting it right next to the interstate.

What does this accomplish? Who’s vote is being swayed by this garish tribute?

I have seen endless discussions online about Trump fans being culty, but this (apart from the coal rollers with flags) is the first time I’ve seen this type of undying loyalty in the wild.

The Jesus and anti-abortion signs are painful, but nowhere near as painful as these Trump shrines.

I am interested in the opinions of anybody, regardless of political affiliation. What do you think of this?

Also, I’m sorry I didn’t get a picture. I feel like the guy that claims he saw a UFO but has nothing to show for it. If anyone is driving through Kansas on their way to Colorado or vice Versa, PLEASE try and snag a picture of these Jesus signs and Trump trailers, so that people can properly contextualize this post.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Personally, I think the grammar bots fit right into Reddit culture.

Everyone is a smarty-pants on Reddit!

I do hope that people respect the instance hosts and go easy on the trivial bots when it comes to Lemmy though.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I've got a good one for you.

If all you want is the really juicy stuff, skip down to the last paragraph. I think it's better with the exposition, though. I've also put a TL;DR at the bottom.

Two weeks before I moved in to my room, Ii received a message from one of my suitemates (I had contacted all of my room/suitemates before moving in, because I'm all about establishing relationships). The contents of this message were short, vague, and cryptic; all it said was "Check your roommates insta". Initially, I assumed my suitemate saw something funny: Cringy selfies, chain posts, or the like. While what I found on his page was funny to a degree, it was none of the aforementioned things. It was hentai.

There was so much of it, and it went on for so long, I was blown away. Visions of Anime Posters covering the walls raced through my head, and so too did the thought of him enjoying and posting these pictures. (with over 22,000 posts, he puts a new image up around every 3 hours).

As move-in day arrived, I was overtaken with a morbid curiosity. What did this kid look like? Upon arriving, I opened the door to our room to be greeted by the one and only Hentai God. At first, his appearance was nothing out of the ordinary, just an African-American 18yo.

What quickly came to my attention, however, is that while the Hentai God did in fact work out, he only worked his arms. This led to a stature that can best be described as resembling that of Larry from SpongeBob. There's nothing particularly wrong with that, but I would think that if you put that much effort into your arms you would at least develop a little bit of upper body strength in other areas.

There's more to my roommate than enjoying hentai and being topheavy, though; He will wait to go to bed until I arrive, sitting in his rolly chair and staring at the door. He'll record me doing mundane things and put them on his snapchat story without asking me or even making it remotely clear I was ever being recorded. He'll talk to himself, often repeating the same few words over and over again for up to an hour. He'll listen to the same song day in and day out, making cryptic hand gestures while he listens. Sometimes he even breathes as one snores while he's awake. I talked to my RA, and he says that despite all these things he cannot move me to another room because dorms are "past full capacity". Wish me luck, everybody.

TL;DR Roommate loves Hentai and almost has me convinced he's mentally insane.