6 months paid vacation and a transfer to a different district where she commence committing more crimes. Same strategy as the church has with pedophiles. Wonder why this is so rampant when the punishment is a reward.
Am very into sushi. Like 70% of the sushi places I go to have deep fried sushi on offer. It seems mildly sacrilegious personally but hey, it must be good
Just commenting so I can come back here when Russia invades another country
Because complete prohibition has always worked out well in the past
Do you expect someone who posts on 4chan to know impingement? Shit I don't even know what that means
How can eyes be real if our eyes see no real eyes
I think you just got put on a list
Do you not understand how banter works? Have you never had a conversation with friends before? I mean the guy is a douche but you don't need to just make wild shit up, there's plenty of ACTUAL things he's done to not like him before you start lying
I watched the whole thing, no where in that does he threaten anyone. He's a pompous douche promoting his movie but he doesn't remotely threaten anyone
People can't possibly be that stupid that they don't realize this, right? .......Right?
No and you are exactly the person this post is aimed at. It LITERALLY SHOWS DEMOCRATS have problems but trump is worse. If you vote for no one you are saying you are 100% equally okay with either trump or Biden winning. If that is your intent then you do you. But you are refraining from voting as a form of protest against Biden than that is not only not helping your cause you are actively hurting your own cause. I am flabbergasted how many supposedly intelligent people do not understand the broad ramifications of their actions