Zusammen mit Russland, gegen den Rest...
Ich bin von so Dingen ja echt kein Fan, eben gerade weil die Folgen von so Dingern doch eben sehr verheerend sind. Aber auf der anderen Seite verschiebt sich politisch und auch militärisch gerade sehr viel nach rechts. Und da hab ich doch lieber auch einen totschläger anstatt zu versuchen was mit nett reden zu erreichen wenn die anderen nicht reden (oder verhandeln) wollen.
Unabhängig davon... Sind wir mit Staaten wie Russland schon seit über 10 Jahren in einem Informationskrieg. Und aktuell trau ich so Staaten (Amerika auch falls Trump gewinnt) eben doch auch zu einen richtigen Krieg mit allen anzufangen. Also lieber vorbereitet sein.
- Instant gratification
- Not cool enough for the hot new drug that is instant gratification
- Instant gratification
- Give as much instant gratification as possible
- I don't know, I am not an expert.
Tolles Bild und netter Beitrag.
Zum Thema Kunst Unterricht und warum man da ausgerechnet den Schwierigkeitsgrad auf hoch einstellt:
Zu meiner Schulzeit war es noch üblich das die Schule eigentlich wollte das ab einer bestimmten Klassenstufe keiner mehr in den Kunstunterricht geht sondern alle Musik machen. Woran das genau liegt weiß ich aber auch nicht. Praktisch gesehen ist es aber hier in Deutschland so das Kunst und Musik Unterricht zwar angeboten wird aber nicht als ernsthafte Karriere Option in Betracht gezogen wird. Und der beste Weg um die schüler dazu zu bringen was anderes zu machen ist... Genau! Macht es ihnen mit schlechten und schwer zu nutzenden Materialien schwer daran Freude zu finden. Geb ihnen dann im Technik Unterricht tatsächlich gute Sachen und es werden eventuell Handwerker. Oder mit Glück finden die Chemie und Physik oder so toll weil man da ja erstmal tolle Dinge tut.
TL;DR Pädagogisches Ziel ist schuld das es da so mies abläuft.
Da Mach ich mir weniger Sorgen, Merz würde wahrscheinlich noch nicht mal durch das Tutorial kommen. Weil stumpf gegen die Wand rennen hat vorher ja auch funktioniert und warum was ändern...
It's a combination really, naive first time voters that have not experienced what they do or got blinded by their promises. Also mostly people who think that are wealthy enough to profit from voting for them but really are not. Then there are probably a few of the big business owners who actually profit from them.
Realistically, if you look at the FDP agenda, it's a upper 1% of wealth party that manages to get people that will be worse off with them in the government to vote for them.
That cycle is real indeed. Though I am not quite sure if it's stupid first time voters or just naive people thinking that they are meant when they mention the economy doing good with them. In either case, I have seen that cycle in action too and I also don't get why a party for the top 1% gets more than 5% of votes.
Ah... Good old FDP doing FDP things where the holy economy is worth more than the lives of countless people and animals in pursuit of profits. Even seemingly going so far to potentially ruin the global ecosystem for everyone because earning lots of money wasn't enough and they wanted to earn all the money.
Fortunately by the looks of it they won't get voted back into a position of power again. Unfortunately however it looks like a different but equally bad (and worse) party will more than replace them.
As far as I can remember the ballot states people first and foremost, only stating party as a somewhat small addition below that person's name. So it looks a lot like you are voting for individuals rather than the party. Media coverage also didn't help and they mentioned how it is perceived differently in all other EU countries that got to vote as well.
Where I live (at least when it comes to the EU) We do in fact vote for people over a party. At least that is the understanding on how it works here. As for what can be done: do the vote again for one thing. I am sure that there are other options too. The last thing that should happen is that someone who wasn't even up for debate at the time to get the job. That was the worst outcome in all regards because now I don't trust the democratic process there that much anymore knowing that at any moment practically anyone can get that position regardless of any result from the people that make up the EU.
I can't really tell about that either since I have not read up about the electoral college yet. It's certainly different. What does grind my gears however is when democratic results get ignored no matter where they happen because reasons. She was not even up for debate for that position when we got our chance to vote and then ended up in that position after the fact.
"potential customer hears about product for the first time after it's announced a flop"
I mean, a single player FPS... Oh it's an EA game we are talking about! NEVERMIND.