If bottles were thrown it was in reaction to the police hitting the demonstratos with batons and punching peaceful participants holding a banner, you can see the videos in the article. As to what triggered the punching? A chant in Arabic condemning Israel. Your comment makes it sound like things turned into a "riot" for no reason and that the repression was justified.
joined 1 week ago
If you're replying to a comment with weak ass arguments you have to expect a slap back or just stfu.
What a disgrace. It underscores the importance of funding and empowering non profits that will hold Columbia accountable if not now surely in the future.
That's true but the centerism of pretending that systemic behavior is the doing of a few black sheep also doesn't help to stop and make changes. Look at the West Bank, for years the European countries gave a free hand to Israel "oh but it is just a few settlers, Israelis want peace" and today? The whole places is riddled with colonies, stealing Palestinian land and making their lives unliveable. So yeah sure not all police are Nazis but when they behave like some or execute fascist laws then they are no better than the brown shirts of old. London police stood up when a peaceful protest came under fire by politicians and upheld the citizens' right to protest. That's how police should behave, as the ultimate keeper of our rights, not to tear them away.