Thank you. It was mostly ment as a joke tho. I'm not actually afraid to ask, but more ignorant because it's all behind VPN and that's just so much easier and safer and I know how to do it so less effort. Https is just magic for me at the moment and I like it that way. Maybe one day I'll learn the magic spells but not today.
Everything is behind a wireguard vpn for me. It's mostly because I don't understand how to set up Https and at this point I'm afraid to ask so everything is just http.
kaşar definetly have its places as well. It's amazing for künefe or just as a snack on a breakfast table. I love Turkish food so much. I need to post here more often and every time i make Turkish food i think.
Thank you <3. I find that Gouda gives more taste. Kaşar can be a bit too fatty for my taste
I agree. Physical access to the device and its often game over.
Sadly reading off the key is already trivial in some cases as showcased in this recent video by stacksmashing
Since the key has to be sent to the cpu in plain text it can easily be sniffed. If however the TPM is integrated in the cpu its not so easy, but then the os can be manipulated or hacked after boot with known exploits.
If you have a long and secure password for you encryption the absolute only way in is to brute force the key which is significantly harder if not impossible regardless of capital
What I do for a little extra security is that my encryption password is just a longer variation of my normal password. So of I have an encrypted password sentence like "correct battery staple horse" my login password would just be "correct battery". It's a simple way to add a little extra and a good reminder everytime I turn on my computer that they are in fact two different passwords and protect me differently.
Didn't they say the same when they were developing windows 10? I don't believe it's gonna happen.
Linus tech tips recently made huge pc build guide video that you might benefit from watching.
Synes bare det er et male Fanden på væggen når man ikke giver mere konkret tal. Folk har spist ris i flere tusinde år så uden noget mere konkret data så fortsætter jeg som mine forfædre. Er nok mest bare sur over ikke at kunne spise mine ris uden at det skal være kræftfremkaldende.
Tjo måske... Måske jeg bare er sur over ikke at kunne spise min ris uden at det skal stemples som et KÆMPE problem. Synes bare det er vigtig at kunne træffe beslutninger på et oplyst grundlag istedet for bare at følge ordre blindt. Det du har delt her er jo langt mere informativt selv om det kun er en test/studie. Jeg mangler dog stadig selve mængderne det omhandler. 74% af hvor meget? Synes bare at DR maler Fanden på væggen når ikke der er noget mere konkret at forholde sig til
We don't have a lot of these robo agents in my country (yet) but for the normal info, advertising and intro bs they always play in the begining of the call before you get to the actual queue that can often be skipped by pressing # It doesn't always work but more often than not. I'm wondering if it'll work for robo agents as well.