
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I almost dropped the Fediverse entirely, after making a comment in Chapotraphouse (that at least Biden was at the time bringing gas prices down which wasn't nothing to combat inflation -> yup, I absolutely stepped into it, never having heard of that community before, and with me previously having been on, I was extremely naive to expect anything close to the level of reasoned and factual discourse that I had come to expect from most other places on the Fediverse).

Blocking and immediately improved my experience on the Fediverse by >95%. Then blocking months later improved it substantially further. Yes, blocking individual users one by one is one approach... but there is also merit in trying to salvage someone's situation by large leaps as well.

Also, nobody that I tell about the Fediverse irl can handle it - the level of violent rhetoric here is not normal, for mainstream people. And most are therefore unwilling to stick it out for months until they can make it become closer to what they want. Even computer programers. People talk a lot about wanting to see the Fediverse grow, but I'm saying that federating with such instances is already turning away mainstream people.

It would be different if such content were opt-in, as in like users say yes show me these "categories" of topics, but as it is, the number of world-wide votes places it higher in people's feed than less offensive content, created slightly longer ago, and as we are saying it takes much effort to have to opt-out, all the more so if done person-by-person (and even more when you have to take time & attention to realize that "a meme is not always just a meme", but that it's not due to an individual user or ten, but an entire community that consistently behaves a certain way).

Blocking and and helps make the Fediverse more palatable to a mainstream audience. They can always reverse the decision at any time, whereas if they leave the Fediverse, they are unlikely to return, their first impression having already been tainted by their earlier experience.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

Oh is that why so many seem to ignore it?! Lemmy is still very unpolished, though still leagues ahead of Reddit, in our hearts! 🥰

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (6 children)

That will never end... they will keep creating new ones! On the bright side, that's a sign of a healthy Fediverse. On the other hand, it shows how desperately we need technical advances like "categories" where we can turn on/off whole classes of communities, which is coming in some newer non-Lemmy Fediverse exploration tools (I don't know how high a priority it is but perhaps it will come to Lemmy as well, eventually).

In the meantime, we make do with what we have.:-)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Wow those eyes 👀 - did he grow up to become Mark Zuckerberg?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Same in return!:-D

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I like to think that we all waste many of our talents here - it's what brings us all together:-).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Okay that's definitely not the one I was thinking of. However, he reportedly wrote a story a year for Issac Asimov's periodicals for almost two decades, plus his many actual books, so it is no surprise that some of his themes were re-used, yet hard to find the name of:-).

I thought the one I am thinking of was neat b/c the dinos were gate-keeping offering their transportation technology to humanity, thinking that surely no warm-blooded mammal could possibly keep their emotions in check to do what must needs be done, unlike the cold heart & keen mind of a reptile.

In other works like his collaboration with Arthur C. Clarke "Altered Carbon", Pohl used the concept of that "stack" to limit the spread of one human mind that would otherwise just be spread out amongst the stars with as many copies as bodies could be found to hold them. But in other anthologies there were other limitations preventing that (and presumably some others still that I haven't read where those limitations were removed?:-P).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Is that the one with the "dinos"? I recall a short story about teleportation in that manner, and something happened, but it was the confirmation that got delayed. So the original person was up walking around, waiting to be sent again, drinking tea, etc... when the equation had to be balanced. Stories like that really make you think, not just bam-pow-punch-kick... in space.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago

"Thanks mom":-D

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Can confirm - am poop knife.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Not just the mods but the admins are using the deceptive database manipulation practices. i.e. this is not a fixable problem by merely appealing one layer up from a mod of a community - the only layer above admins is defederation from the Fediverse overall, which is what OP is advocating.

It is a pain yes, but also it only takes 2 clicks to migrate your settings from one instance to another - go to Settings and under "Import/Export Settings" click the big Export button, then in the new click Import. With a similar iconic avatar and name, people likely won't even notice the difference. Your old comments/posts/points won't transfer though. Bonus: you can keep both, so while e.g. one instance is upgrading you still have another with which to read/reply/etc.

People on are going to notice a noticeably reduced functionality over the next several months regardless, as many, Many, MANY users start blocking the instance on a personal/user level even if not an instance-wide block. Imagine every single comment you write receives 10x fewer replies back, or votes, just you shouting into the void, and the only people responding back... are the fascists, and those more neutral to fascism.

So OP is bringing up the problem, which is the first step towards healing. :-)

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