I'd bet that's a sacrifice Sr. is willing to make.
I know one die hard RATM fan that works for a huge insurance company.
Try giving Louisiana an above average score in anything and see what happens.
Rub them on an aromatic prostitute.
If you've seen Maximum Overdrive it's not hard to belive at all. AC/DC does the score/soundtrack.
We'll just be here when everyone else isn't.
I've always read that autos like to be in their final pot size from the beginning.
From a porta potty: Here I sit Tired and dirty Trying to hide Until 4:30
He really needs to buy some eyebrows.
I think if he thinks it will benefit him, he wants it. After seeing this "performance" and almost getting shot, he might just want out. I'm sure he won't try to blame it all on the Sofa Seducer. I'm thinking he may have picked the Loveseat Lothario just for that.
Ronald MAGAdonald
I've heard "shaking hands with the unemployed".