With my first prepaid phone in Germany texts did cost 0.49 € per text. So I did not use them super often. Years later around 2011 that price had decreased to 0.15€ and I was texting friends a lot during uni. Around the same time me and my friends got our first smartphones with contracts for 30-40€ per month that included a small bit of data (below 1Gb). Texts still did cost 0.15€, but the data for a WhatsApp message was in the low kilobytes. So a lot of people switched to WhatsApp
With a skeptical brow raised, the count begrudgingly sipped from a glass of Coca-Cola, a recently invented American beverage vastly different from the Romanian wines of his cellar. "Passable," he muttered under his breath, with a reluctant nod, betraying centuries of noble pride. Yet, as the night unfolded, a subtle smile crept over his pale face.
Sure, theoretically normal sickdays are capped to six weeks, but you do not have to collect your sick days in a sick day account like the Americans. You get a doctor's notice and then have an official sickday. After the six weeks you can still get Krankengeld which is paid by the statutory health insurance.
And on average the 39,5 hours work week and 25-30 vacation days per year. Also unlimited payed sick days.
Dracula in an otherwise realistic sci-fi setting would also have some potential.
With the 1966 labour share of income you probably would be working way less (or making way more)
Wahrscheinlich sind diese Anreize bei einer Spanne von 4ct zwischen Minimal und Maximalstundenlohn eher zweitrangig.
That's in Mali. Old Timbuktu manuscripts from one of the oldest universities in the Islamic world
Lick the null and keep on with your life. Lick the phase and suffer. Lick two phases and die.
"Why does my cigarette I left on the lab table taste sweet?" is absolutely the question an inattentive scientists asked himself before he discovered an artificial sweetener.
EDIT: Michael Sveda's discovery of cyclamate at the university of Illinois in 1937
2011 wants this post back