I don't strictly forget about them, but I never think to buy them myself. Brussels sprouts.
look buddy, if you don't respond to this then I'ma hafta go to charm monster, and neither of us wants to take it there.
ngl but there's something about this that really gets me going.
even worse: man-made horrors I comprehend only too well.
it's going to be hard to get to 40k if we don't keep counting through the 10s.
not exactly what you're asking, but banks and insurance companies are the majority of what I call "the beaurocracy of money". they don't produce anything of value, and are basically just a sinkhole for labour.
I just like the headphones with cat ears too damn much
i... think I need this explained to me
Right? If something has "100x less" something, does that mean it has 1%? 0.99%? Some other random figure?? What are you even trying to convey???
this is the world liberals want (im being 100% serious)