we have his name. justice is one hero away.
i'm pretty sure you could crowdsource an assassination and get more results,.
with or without guns?
welcome to the other side. this shit is just a stupid game. stop playing it. live on less. stop being a consumer. invest in real estate and become as self sufficient as possible. the best way to tell the world to fuck off is to stop playing the game.
your cash and your jewelry is what i expect
derp! that was totally a slip. no, no. please no more subjective truth until it comes down to morality, in which case i'll believe whatever i want. but i do form my opinions based on objective reality.
i don't do anal.
i completely understand that israel is an unjust state and i'm well aware of how they operate. i condemn them for making palestine into the prison state that it is.
at the same time, i don't really care what happens to groups of abrahamic peoples. as an atheist, i'm indifferent. that's just my honest opinion. i think both groups are part of an old world that will never function correctly.
a couple of years ago, i had a strict 'first date we eat boomers' system. it was a lot of fun.
post his address. we can do this.
lol. like i need to be educated on what manufactured consent is. look kid, you can choose to disbelieve credited media outlets. i just stop giving a shit what you think once you show a disregard for subjective truth.
all it takes is an armed and determined populace to fix shit.