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[–] [email protected] 26 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (7 children)

There are at least 2 Trump themed stores in the Pigeon Forge area of Tennessee. Ironically, one of them is next to a Mexican restaurant. I've never felt any inclination to enter the Trump store, but I'm sure it's absolutely full of cheap shit that they got from a bulk online shop from overseas, despite their gung-ho bullshit.

You know what you don't see? Biden stores in California or NYC. Because the left isn't a fucking cult full of slack- jawed yokels whose parents were related.

[–] [email protected] 61 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

"Legal experts/law professors say" is such bullshit.

I was fired from a job and sued them for discrimination. "Legal experts" said I should get between $30k-$60k. I barely got $5k.

This guy should be in handcuffs right now. Lying to the feds is still a crime. How about obstruction of justice?

I'm sick to death of treating traitors with soft, cushiony jargon.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago

A lot of factories, particularly in Florida, are open air because they don't want to pay for air conditioning, which just makes the situation worse.

Of course that's not the only issue with factory work. Between "mandatory overtime" that doesn't get announced until minutes before the end of your 15 hour shift and getting written up even with a doctor's note... Or even paying for medical insurance and simply not being able to use it... Very few people want to work in a factory setting. The ones that do have to just to survive.

It's modern day slavery, they just don't beat you anymore.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I can't speak for all, but every factory I've ever worked in has had a mold issue. They're not the cleanest places to work. Sounds like this is just par for the course. Hopefully it can be remedied.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

I used to live in Volusia County, where a kid died from meningitis recently. The city of Oak Hill had the audacity to call the school "Burns Science and Technology" Charter School.

The town that it's in had a history of being populated by people who were hiding out from the cops, most of them for drug charges and about 10 years ago, their entire police force was fired because of meth use. The county is now in charge there.

This is a town that is in the process of being gentrified, but it is still very much full of ill-informed rednecks that are hostile to any kind of governance.

The fact that a kid died because of the ignorance of the State of Florida is an absolute tragedy, full stop.

And this city is also responsible because they know that vaccines are necessary to prevent this kind of thing, and they chose to ignore both common sense and logic.

Ron DeSantis only set the precedent for Florida to be able to let this happen. The kid's parents are to blame, along with the city of Oak Hill and Volusia County. Shame on the lot of them.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago

And thus seeing in stone that there will be a Christian jihad by what is the American Al-Qaeda in this country.

Prepare yourselves for the inevitable, folks. None of us are safe from these lunatics. If you have a family member that is LGBTQ+ start thinking of ways to hide them.

We're entering the state backed terrorism part of this exercise.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

They've been doing that without impunity for checks watch about 2000 years now. So much so that you just mention Catholicism in the same sentence as "choir boy" and everyone knows what you're talking about.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It's sadly going to fall on deaf ears so long as our government, pushed by the Christians, continues to fellate Israel so they can get a "reward" when they die.

That's what this boils down to, folks. The Christians dictate foreign policy so they can continue to feel high and mighty about themselves. This isn't about lives on either side of the situation; it has been and will continue to be about Christians thinking this benefits them directly. And it doesn't matter how many women and kids die, so far as they are concerned. This is all about them.

They've been telling us who they are for 2000 years. It's time to believe them and adjust ourselves accordingly. Similar to disregarding what any other bigot says. They shouldn't be allowed to hold office considering they are commanded in their Bible to go against "earthly" things. A slave cannot serve two masters and they will (and have) sold this Country to benefit themselves.

If Trump wins in November, we need to get used to the idea of a theocracy in our lifetimes.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago

They've been pushing the Reichstag Fire thing for a while, actually.

In that scenario, Hitler was saying that it was those damn "communists," namely Marinus van der Lubbe, (there's some debate on if he could have acted alone) who was allegedly a known pyromaniac with a history of mental illness.

The Nazis convinced a mentally ill person or persons to attack their capitol building and blamed it on the "communists." Does that sound at all derivative?

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does echo.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

Don't forget how "pro-life" the Christians pretend to be whilst simultaneously getting harder than Chinese algebra at the prospect of murdering people that aren't the "right" color.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

your dad is an old school uneducated bigot.

You're not wrong. The ordeal was basically him saying to his friend "You know (friend's name), if I had a son that was 'queer' I don't think I'd mind." His friend tried to basically just agree with him, but it was awkward, mostly because the conversation was apropos of nothing; just brought up out of nowhere.

To this day, I struggle with hearing the word 'queer' as something other than a slur and I feel bad even saying it just because of the negative connotation in which my dad used it. I know that it isn't and that people who identify as such use the word proudly, as well they should, but I've had to hear it as a word that meant something bad my whole life. I'm working on changing that way of thinking, but it's been tough.

To your other point, if Jesus were real, he wouldn't take a single Christian (Save for maybe Dolly Parton) to "heaven."

My boss is a hard core "Christian" that has hot-take opinions on things like immigration. I asked him if "Jesus" would approve of his opinion on that and his exact words were "I don't care what Jesus said." None of them actually believe a word of what they hear at church. They just recite what they hear, a la "bros" that quote ESPN. It's all one big act that they're all in on, but no one wants to break the fourth wall, so to speak.

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